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-Kacey's POV-

I'm finally telling people what I'm going to have. I was so nervous. I felt like I was about to throw up.  I was currently placing my heels when my mother came upstairs.

"Kacey you still are not ready yet?" She chastised me.

I looked up at her from buckling my heels. "Mama all I have to do is do my hair and then I'll be finished," I said.

Mother looked at her watch and then back at me. "Kacey the party starts at 1 and you know it takes you at least 45 minutes to get done with your hair," she said.

I looked up and stale faced her. Was that shade being thrown? I gave her a groan. "I'll be done before one," I told her, walking over towards the bathroom mirror.

Looking into the mirror, I looked at last nights work. I put in Bantu knots in my head. I sighed and began to unravel them one by one.

Once I was finished, I put a little coconut oil in my hair and slightly shook out my now Afro.

Looking at my outfit, I pouted a little. I planned on wearing a dress with heels but my feet were kind of sore and swollen.

"Don't forget you also have your maternity photo shoot with Justin today at 3," mother yelled. I forgot all about that.

Ugh! It's too much going on today. I can't deal. I was finally finished getting ready and saw my mother, Kareem, daddy, Cookie and Mel all downstairs ready to go. I walked down the stairs with my hand on my back.

"Awww, do you need help sweetheart?" daddy asked me. I playfully rolled my eyes. He's always joking me about how I walk, my pregnancy cravings and how big my stomach has gotten.

I made down at the bottom and before leaving, I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Ready to go?" Cookie asked me.

I nodded. Time to reveal my little ones to Justin.


Pulling up into the venue, I saw all of my guest already there. Some were outside and some were inside the venue.

The car stopped and daddy cut off the engine. "Ready honey?" He looked back into his review mirror to look at me. I nodded at him and smiled. The only people who knew the gender was my mother, father, Cookie, and Mel.

So this was actually a surprise not only for Justin but my brother and other friends and family as well.

"Ready daddy," I said. He nodded and everyone began to get out.

"I'm so ready to see Justin's expression. He's going to be so happy," Cookie said while getting out of the car.

"I hope so too," I said.

Daddy closed the door behind him and went to open the door for me. I thanked him. Seeing Kareem's car pull up in the driveway, he parked beside a Dodge Stratus and killed his engine.

Him and Mel got out, walking over towards me. "C'mon Queen. Let's make your extravagant," Kareem said. Everyone laughed at him and I smirked.

"Why of course King Kareem," I said. He opened his arm out to me so I can link arms together. I happily accepted his gesture.

We began to walk towards the building and everyone who was outside either curtsied me or just simply said hello. I greeted them all as well.

Once we made it to the door, Kareem opened the door for me. I thanked him and entered inside the venue.

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