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- Kacey's POV -

"Lay back and lift up your shirt for me," Doctor Johnson instructed. Suddenly a woman came in and bowed at me. I awkwardly waved and looked back at Doctor Johnson.

What is going on?

She went over to the machine and grabbed something that looked like gel. "Hello Queen Kacey. I'm Taylor and I am an ultrasound technician. What I'm about to do now is spread this gel over your stomach," she explained to me.

I nodded skeptically. "Everything is going to be fine," she said while giving me a slight squeeze on my hand. I heavily sighed, trying to relax. Taylor poured some of the gel on my stomach and I shivered from how cold it was.

She put the gel back and grabbed a wand like thing. "This is called a transducer. I'm going to be moving this around your abdomen. Now while I'm doing this try to move around a bit," she said.

"Doctor Johnson may you please turn off the lights?" She asked. Doctor Johnson politely walked over to the switch and the lights were turned off.

Taylor moved the wand around my stomach and I moved a bit too. A image popped up on the screen. It was in black and white and I couldn't decipher what it was.

It just looked like a bunch of nothing on the screen.

There was two black holes that looked like yin and yang.

Taylor and Doctor Johnson gasped

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Taylor and Doctor Johnson gasped. Taylor then smiled at me. "Congratulations," she said.

Scrunching up my face, I looked back at the monitor and then back at the both of them. "Congratulations on what?"

"On your pregnancy. Queen Kacey, you are having twins," she said excitedly.

"I'm WHAT?!" I hurriedly sat up but Doctor Johnson laid me back down. "What do you mean I'm pregnant?" I asked them while placing my forearm over my eyes.

"Kacey, the things that you've told me earlier, your symptoms, can sometimes be mistaken for stress. You are actually two weeks pregnant," Doctor Johnson said.

Taylor placed the wand back on my stomach. "I'm going to give you some pictures of your sonogram. Now Kacey, you do have an option. You can keep your babies or go through with an abortion," she said.

An abortion?

I looked back at the sonogram and looked down at my tummy. Taylor handed me the pictures of the sonogram and wiped off my stomach. "You don't have to decide now. You can tell me later," she said. I put my shirt down.

"No. I'm going to keep my kids. I just can't believe I'm going to be a mom. I'm actually nervous and still in shock," I said.

I felt as if there was a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

I felt as if I was going to be sick.

"Kacey, it's okay. This is going to be your very first pregnancy and I understand that you are nervous. But don't worry after you see your babies for the first time, you are going to fall in love. And I know they are going to be beautiful," Doctor Johnson said. Smiling, I engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"No problem. If there is anything else you need, you know I'm always here," he said. I nodded and they were out the door.

Looking at my sonogram once more, I smiled.

I'm going to be a mom.

I let out a small squeal and placed them in my purse. I walked outside to see Justin on his phone playing solitaire. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up.

"Everything's okay?" He asked. He got up and placed his phone in his pocket. "Everything is amazing, fine spectacular," I said in excitement. I have to tell my family and my friends.

I can also tell Justin when his birthday comes up. He gave me a weird look, clearly confused on what was going on. "So you're okay now?"

"Yes. Now can you take me to my parents house. More work needs to be done," I said. I started to walk outside and Justin followed behind. Once outside, he pressed unlocked on his key fob and I hopped into the car.

He started up the car and all I could do now was think of how to tell Justin about my pregnancy at his party. I had so many ideas popping up in my head.

I grabbed my phone and went through my phone.

I went to my message and went to the right hand corner to type a new message. Putting Cookie and Mel into a group message I told them to be over my parents house in five minutes.

They didn't question me like they usually did and agreed to come over.

I also made a mental note to call Jazzy and rearrange for her and her family to come down to Ćenàla to celebrate Justin's birthday with us as well.

"Kacey, I'm going to go down to the beach to visit a friend," Justin told me.

"Oh. Okay, is it Chaz or Khalil?" I asked him.

"Uhm, no. It's a friend from a long time ago. Just doing a little catching up," he said. I nodded.

"Okay. That's fine." I drove up into my parents' driveway. I gave Justin a kiss and got out of the car, closing the door behind me. I jogged upstairs and a guard opened the door for me. "Good morning Queen Kacey," he curtsied to me.

I curtsied back and said good morning to him as well.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled. I went to room to room until I found them outside in the garden in the zeebo. It looked like my dad was getting up but halted when he saw me. I ran over to them and gave each of them a hug. "Looks like someone has gotten rid of the bug," Mother said.

I laughed and we all sat down in the zeebo.

"I have some news for you guys later on but I have to wait for Cookie and Mel," I said.

"Oh, sweetheart I was just about to head out to a meeting," Father said. I smacked my lips and groaned. "Fine daddy. I'll tell you some other time," I said.

He gave me a hug goodbye and headed on his way.


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