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-Justin's POV-

I woke up the next morning. Sun blinding my fucking eyes so I decided to just go ahead and get up. I rubbed my eyes from the crud in them and turned around. Kacey was already up....

And staring at me.

"Well good morning to you too," I said, chuckling.

She reached over and gave me a kiss. "Happy Birthday love," she said.

"Why thank you."

I rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. It was 8:15 in the morning. I internally groaned. Rolling over, I grabbed my phone and unhooked it from the charger. Punching in my code, I saw that I had over seven messages.

'Happy Birthday baby daddy,' Cookie wrote.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "What's funny?" Kacey asked. I flipped over my screen so she could see the message. "Aww, she still likes you," Kacey joked.

"Yea but I don't like her," I mumbled. I sent her a thank you message and went over to the next message. The next one was from Mel surprisingly.

'Happy Birthday thot,' she said.

Awww, she's so sweet.

'Thank you hoe.'

I also read the ones from Ryan, Karoski, Khalil, Kareem, my old friend from college, Nathan and lastly from Hailey. I got a giddy feeling when I read her message.

'Happy Birthday Biebz. You're finally 28 😘. I have a present for you too and I hope you can spend time with me on your birthday like you always do. Anyways I have work but later on call me at around 4:30ish. Once again, happy birthday 🎉🎉🤗💜.'

I laughed a bit before replying back at her message. "What's funny?" Kacey asked me, turning around so she can get out of bed.


'Thanks Hailey 😘. I'll meet up with you later.'

"We'll get up monkey butt. It's your very special day and we should do very special things. So get up and get ready," Kacey said. She spun over towards the closet in a pirouette and leaped into the air, finally making it towards the closet door.

I applauded her and she bowed.

"Thank you my good people. I love you in the back row," she joked, waving her hands as if she was performing. Kacey finally opened the closet door and went in search of her outfit.

I sighed, stretching in my place. I swung my legs over the bed and pushed myself up. I went downstairs and saw that my family was already up with the exception of Jason. He doesn't wake up till twelve, eleven if we're lucky.

"Happy 28th Birthday sweetheart," my mother said. She jogged over me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. My mom gave me a kiss.

"Thanks Ma," I said.

"Happy Birthday son," my dad said. He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. "Thanks dad," I said.

"Yeap. Now it's time to get waisted," he said, doing a little jig. I looked at mom and she looked at me.

"No the fuck you not. So you can just get that out of your head right now," she said. Dad stopped his dancing and smacked his lip.


"Nope. Now go in there and eat your breakfast. Justin I cooked today to give Marcella a break," my mother said. "Now let's go. There's a big day ahead of us. JAZZY!"

She started to push us in the dining room. "Yes Ma," Jazzy said. "Can you please go get Kacey, Marcella and Jason up?" She asked her once she came into the dining room. I didn't even know Marcella was here. I thought she went over Kacey's parents house. Jaz nodded and went to follow Mother's orders.

Ma already had the dining table seat so we just took a seat and waited for the others. I heard feet being padded down and I knew they were coming. Jazzy came into the dining room first, then Kacey, Marcella and lastly Jason.

He had a ugly, tired look on his face. Jason smacked his lip. "Man Ma it's too early to be up," he complained.

"Hush, Jason. We have a great day ahead of us and you know that," Ma said. Jason took a seat beside me and pushed up his chair. "Happy birthday big bro," he said.

"Happy birthday Justin," Jazzy said.

"Thank you guys," I said.

"Happy birthday mi hija," Marcella said. She came over and placed a kiss on my cheek before having a seat beside Jazzy. "Thanks Marcella."

"No problem but who cooked breakfast? I always cook breakfast. Do you have another -"

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Ms. Marcella I decided to cook breakfast today. You work so hard from what I'm told that I decided to give you a break," Ma said.

"Ohh, it's okay. I'm sorry. Just don't want to be replaced from my job," Marcella said.

"Mama no one can replace you," Kacey said while grabbing a bowl of grits and putting some on my plate. "Good because if you do young lady, I'm spank you," Marcella grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite out of it.


Once everyone was finished eating breakfast, Kacey wanted everyone to get ready. So we went to our rooms and got dressed.

"Baby, can you please slow down? It's just my birthday okay. Not a holiday," I laughed at her. I just got out of the shower and she quickly sat me down once I put a towel around me and started to do my hair.

"Ugh, Mr. Bieber your birthday is a holiday and we are going to celebrate it," she said while grabbing a brush. She placed the blowdyer that she had already plugged up.

"So shut up and enjoy it."

I laughed at her. "Kacey, I hope you do not go overboard with this," I told her while looking at her through the mirror she sat me in front of.

She stopped and looked back at me through the mirror. "Justin, you know I always go overboard with things like this," Kacey said, giving me a kiss.

I moaned. "Why am I not surprised?"

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