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-Justin's POV-

Looking up, I just ran into the woman that fucked not only my life up but she could've fucked up my marriage as well. And she almost fucked up my family.

And was none other than Hailey.

Now I could put all of the blame on her life she potentially raped me but I'm not. I didn't tell her about Kacey at all but I should have.

But everyone knew we were together and everyone saw us in magazines, interviews, social media and yada yada yada. So honestly we were both to blame.

And this little test with her that I failed and could have cost me everything made me realized a lot of things.

One I need to stop letting lust cloud my brain. I have an amazing wife at home who loves me despite the shit I put her through.

Two I love Kacey. I will always be in love in Kacey.

Three now I have three more people that I will love unconditionally. Jamir, Josiah, and Kahlani.

Four I am fucking stupid for cheating on Kacey with Hailey.

Five I need to seek counseling for what the fuck I did. How could I cheat on Kacey with her?

Somebody should I slapped me right then and there. "Hailey what the fuck are you doing here?" I could feel my hands clench the handles of the buggy.

"Well I was in the neighborhood and -"

"Spare me the bullshit. You are supposed to be in Cali not Ćenàla. Why are you here?" I asked her. Hailey walked away from her buggy and over towards me. She walked around me and started to place her hands on me before I pushed her off.


"Don't touch me," I warned her.

"Why? Don't you miss me. I mean I know I said that I don't want you to talk to me ever again but I went home and thought about some things. I know you're still in love with me because if you weren't, we wouldn't have made love. I forgive you and know you can leave that black bitch," Hailey said.

Once Hailey said black bitch, I flipped. I clenched her neck and inserted my thumb almost to the back of her throat. "Don't you dare fucking call Kacey out of her name ever again," I said through my clenched teeth.

Something yet again took over me but this time, it made me realize where I was at. "Look Hailey, stay away from me and my family. Got it?"

Not giving her a chance to reply, I grabbed my buggy and started to walk off. I felt her stop me again.

"You don't mean it Justin. I mean, I know we are meant to be together. We've always have been. I know you don't see it know but later on, you'll see it just like I do."

I begin to laugh. This bitch really must be delusional. "You know what Hailey. I'm sorry for leading you on. Some of the shit that happened was my fault and almost made me lose everything. I'm not even going to really blame you. But now I'm telling you I have a family. I'm soon to be married," I said while showing my engagement ring.

I could see the hint of hatred in Hailey's eyes. "Now that you fully know the truth, I want you to exit my life. As a friend, associate, all together. I can't risk losing what I have over something that I lusted over once upon a time."


"Yes. I have three beautiful kids. I have to set an example for my little boys on how to love a woman, to cherish a woman, on that when you find that special someone, to never take her for granted. I also have to let my little girl know the difference between a little boy and a grown man, on how a man is supposed to treat and love her. Look Hailey, I'm sorry for everything. I know you can find that special someone. But I'm not it," I said.

"But Justin you can't just say that. Not with all the time that we spent together. You'll realize that I'm the one all along," she said.

I sucked in some air. "Yea not likely. Take care Hailey," I said while walking towards the cashiers.

"This isn't over," she said to me. I rolled my eyes, waving her off by her empty threat. Once I made it to the cash register, I stopped the buggy and begin to place the items on the belt. The cashier rung up my items and told me how much I owe.

I gave him $20 and he gave me my change back. Thanking him, I placed my bags in the buggy. I drove the buggy towards the station where you place it once you were finished and put it in its spot.

I grabbed my bags and ran towards my car. Luckily it wasn't towed. I unlocked my doors, got in, started my car and made my way home.

I hope no one saw the confrontation between Hailey and I. I didn't want this to get back to Kacey. She shouldn't be burden with this. She should be focused on the blessings that she just delivered.

I finally made it home and parked the car, turning it off. I grabbed the bags and got out of the car. I closed the door behind me.

I walked up the stairs towards the door and opened it, closing the door behind me as well. Everyone was about to leave.

"Hey Kacey has the kids and Mel and your parents have put them to bed," Kareem said. I nodded and gave him some dap.

"Thanks. Thank you all for coming," I said. They begin to walk towards the front door and I opened it again.

"No problem sweetheart. We'll most likely be here tomorrow and call us if you need anything at all. Do not hesitate at all Justin," my mom said before leaving. She grabbed my face and gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

"Okay Ma and I won't. See you soon."

"See you later son," my dad said. I nodded. Everyone told me congrats and what not and soon the house was quiet.

I sighed and closed the door again, this time locking it. I ran upstairs to Kacey and once I made it to the room, I saw her with one of the boys in her arms.

I walked over towards the bed and placed the bags on it.

"Josiah is so quiet. He's going to be a sweet baby," she said while giving him a kiss. She wasn't paying attention to me so this would be the perfect time to take her a picture, so I did.

She did see the flash.

"You not slick," she smirked at me. Kacey was about to get up but I stopped her. "I'll get him baby," I said. I walked over towards her side of the bed and grabbed Josiah, putting him in the bassinet.

"Thanks baby. Now where's the food?" She clapped her hands. I laughed and handed her the bags.

"Yasssss!" She said while getting out everything that she's asked for.

"I love you so much dude," she said.

I laughed. "I love you more."


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