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-Hailey's POV-

I was currently in bed, chilling and reminiscing. I know Justin has hurt me but I thought he would leave Kacey for me. Yea I knew he was getting married but so what.

I have always been in love with Justin. I'm just upset that I never told him that and now he's possibly getting married. Hopefully he doesn't. I want him. Ihave to do is go back to Ćenàla to try and win Justin back.

But now that Kacey is pregnant, it's going to kind of hard but no matter. A baby really doesn't make a guy stay. I would plan the trip to Ćenàla. I'll have to book a ticket in the morning.

Rolling over into bed, I curled up and snuggled deep into my covers and pillow.

Justin is going to be mine.


-Kacey's POV-

The next morning, I woke up with my something heavily on my mind. More like a person.

I needed to get a clear indication on my feelings.

Yes I hate him but I also love him too. I craved Justin. It's just that what he has done was a low blow. I needed to let him know that.

Scratching my belly, I rolled out of bed. I looked at the time and saw that it was 9:17. I ran myself a nice, hot shower and prepared for the day. Me and Kareem needed to go over some documents. But he'll be over at 10.

I sighed.

The fabulous life of a queen.

I finished my shower and got out, reaching for my towel. I grabbed it and wrapped it around me. I went over towards my closet and found something casual to wear.

I honestly didn't feel like doing anything today. I was so tired ... and hungry.

Quickly dressing myself, I went over to tame my hair. More like shook it a bit and moisturized it since it was becoming a little dry.

Once finished, I went downstairs to see my brother already here. Well isn't he early.

"Hey baby sisters and my little nieces and/or nephews," he greeted. I laughed. He was so excited about becoming an uncle.

"Well hello to you too. And why are you here so early Kareem?" I asked him while going into the kitchen. I went into the pantry to find my blueberry pop tarts and the Nutella spread.

"Well I wanted to get this done early. Mel and I have a lunch date at 2 so let's get to it," he yelled at me. I mocked him.

Kareem and Mel have become serious about their relationship and they have now been together for seven months. They were so cute together.

"Don't rush me besides I can cancel your date seeming that she's MY best friend," I yelled back.

"And that's my future wife so whatever I say, goes," he said.

Ugh! Typical male behavior.

Grabbing the pop tarts out of the container and grabbed a paper plate. I placed them on the plate and went in search of a plastic knife.

I didn't want the maids or anyone to do the dishes for a while so I brought paper plate, cups and silverware. Once I located the knife, I went back over to the pop tarts and opened the Nutella that was right beside it. I grabbed some Nutella on the knife and swiped it over a pop tart and did the same to the other.

I put the Nutella back when I was finished and threw the knife away. I grabbed a plastic cup out of the pantry and went towards the fridge, getting out the apple juice. I poured a cup and placed the apple juice back.

I grabbed my plate and went out to Kareem. He saw me enter in. I sat down on the couch and I placed my cup down. I picked up a pop tart and before I could place it in my mouth, I saw Kareem staring at me with a grossed look on his face.


"You and your weird pregnancy cravings," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him. I don't care what he thinks, I'm going to eat this.

"Okay then stop looking at me," I retaliated. He put his hand up in mock surrender and we began to work. We went over like a dozen documents and paperwork. Also we got a call from Hope From Kids saying that some of the kids wanted to meet Kareem and I.

Of course we couldn't pass the opportunity. Besides I haven't been in a while and I missed being there. We scheduled going on the 21st. It was the 10th now.

"Oh and Kacey, next month the ambassador of Spain wants us to come to a banquet."

I groaned. "Can't he just come down here?"

"No. Besides I said we were going to come anyway," he said. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Kareem. "You suck."

"Kacey quit hurting Kareem."

Looking back, I saw Ursula and I smiled. "Hey Ursula and he just made me mad," I said.

Ursula laughed and came over. She sat down on the couch beside me. "I see you guys are working."

"Yes we are and I'm tired."

Kareem and I have been at it for almost two hours. I wanted a break but he didn't so I told him 5 more minutes. "Aww, well you'll make it," Ursula grabbed my hand and shook me a bit.

"No I won't," I poured.

Grabbing my phone, I texted Mel to come and get her man.

'Why lol?'

'Cause he getting on my nerves 😒.'

'Well he told me y'all have something important to do so hush'


'😂. Love you too whore.'

I went back to my home screen and I saw the picture of Justin and I. I got an aching feeling in my heart. I've been thinking about telling him my true feelings but I didn't know how.

I didn't know when.

"Kacey you okay?" I heard Kareem ask me.

I got out of my thoughts and looked at him. I nodded and Kareem smacked his lips at me. "Liar. What's bugging you?"

I bit my lip a little. Kareem still hates Justin and he'll think I'm stupid if I go and talk to him. "Well. Justin and I were talking about him and Hailey and he was telling me what happened. After our talk, I was feeling some type of way and so I had to talk to momma. So I went over and told her what happened and she's telling me to tell him how I still feel about him," I said.

Kareem stayed quiet for a minute and flipped through some papers. "I know you still love him sis so I can't stop you from loving him. It's just, I don't want to see you like that ever again. I don't want to see you hurt."

"I felt like I couldn't protect you. As a brother and that hurt me too but if you want to talk to him I can't stop you. This is your life."

Looking down at my phone and back at Kareem, I cringed. What was I going to say. Kareem let out a exasperated sigh. "Quit being such a pussy."

I gawked. "I'm not scared!"

"Then call him!"

I gulped and took a deep breath. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I went through my contacts and found Justin's name.

Clicking it, I pressed the call button.

Here goes nothing.


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