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Charms was Viola's first class of her Witch career. She was practically tingling with excitement when she reached tiny Professor Flitwicks office.

The Slytherins shared the class with the Gryffindors. Viola hoped to sit next to Ginny, but when she reached class she found the seat already taken by the boy who had asked Professor McGonagall to take a picture of him during the Sorting. Colin Creevey. He was already chattering away as Viola passed by. She looked around the room for a empty seat.

"Sit down please class!" squeaked Professor Flitwick to the students who still remained standing. Viola hurriedly sat down next to a boy from her house, Ivor Valley. He glowered at her from beneath thick, angry eyebrows.

"Did I say you could sit here?" He said menacingly.

"Um, no, sorry," Viola squeaked. She jumped up and hurried to a seat all on its lonesome. Viola sighed as she looked around and everyone else sharing a seat, except Ivor. Why did she always end up the one alone?

Viola realized something with a pang. Ava wasn't there. Guilt washed through Viola's chest as she imagined the girl in bed, crying out for help as she tried to wriggle out of her spellotape cocoon

"Alright class," called Professor Flitwick in his squeaky voice. He had to climb up on a stool to be seen by everyone. "Today we will be practicing the swish & flick!"

There was an excited murmuring. Viola stood up straight and scooted to the edge of her seat. All thoughts of Ava disappeared. Viola was ready to prove to everyone what she was capable of.

Colin Creevey's hand shot up.

"Excuse me sir!" He asked eagerly. "But what is the switch and flick for?"

"It is a step toward learning to levitate objects!" Said Flitwick.

"Can you show us?" asked Colin. "I've only seen a few people do magic so far!"

Flitwick demonstrated by zooming someone's text book about the room. Viola snorted lightly as Collin clapped ecstatically after Flitwick finished.

She already had her wand- aspen wood with a dragon-heartstring core- out. She was itching to use it. She wished they could skip the swish and flick and go straight to levitating objects. She knew she could do it.

Flitwick began to demonstrate the movement while chanting "Swish and flick! Swish and flick!"

Viola carefully mirrored the wrist movement he was doing. Her wand swished smoothly through the air. Viola smiled. She knew she had done it right.

"Say it while doing the movement!" Called Flitwick. "Swish & flick!"

The class began to chant and Flitwick began roaming about the class, correcting and complementing students one by one in his squeaky tone.

"A little less vicious movements Mr Harper. Careful there Mr Creevey! Not bad Miss Robins. Please try again Miss Vance. Ahh Miss Lestrange! That is very good!"

Viola looked at her teacher in surprise. A few students turned to look since that was the most enthusiastic complement Flitwick had given yet. She blushed at all the attention she was getting, but excitement flooded through her heart.

Flitwick continued on his way leaving a very ecstatic Viola behind. Viola was lost in pleasure and didn't emerge until she heard Flitwick cry "Excellent work Miss Weasley!"

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