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A/N: this took me so long to write, I'm not even going to bother giving my excuses. Just . . . If you are still reading this . . . Thank you for sticking with this story!

This chapter is dedicated to adalaide391 I've been meaning to dedicate a chapter to you FOREVER! Thanks so much for your votes and reads on my story!

"Those are Dragons!"

Viola couldn't stop her self from blurting out when she saw the ginormous beast enter the arena. She hit Hugo hard on the shoulder.

"Hugo! Look! Dragons!"

"Ow!" Hugo cried out, grabbing his shoulder. "I agree it's brilliant, But there is no way I could possibly miss seeing that giant thing!"

Ava laughed, but Viola ignored both of them. She jumped to her feet.

"I have to get closer."

With that Viola set off through the crowd to get as close as possible to the dragon. She pushed her way through a clump of people so she was right by the railings of the stadium.

Her brown eyes were wide as she stared at the dragon. Viola recognized it as a Swedish Short-Snout by its bluish-gray scales and, of course, its short snout.

"Look, there's Cedric!" Hugo cried as him, Ava and Clemi came scrambling up behind Viola.

Viola glanced around to see a nervous looking Cedric Diggory entering the arena. He was sporting Hufflepuff colors as well as a green face and his wand was gripped tightly in his hand.

"Go Cedric!" Hugo yelled loudly.

All the other Hufflepuffs were shouting their support as well.

There were several shrill screams as the dragon noticed Cedric. Her enormous wings spread across her eggs protectively.

Ludo Bagman announced with his magically magnified voice that it was the champions job to try and get the golden egg nested amongst all the others.

It was quite an exciting chase. Cedric transfigured a rock in a dog in an attempt to distract the dragon. It sort of worked. The crowd screamed, shouted as the dragon took after the Labrador, and Cedric bolted for the eggs.

Viola couldn't keep her eyes off the magnificent beast as it chased after the dog, then whirled around to run in the direction. She watched as it's jaws opened and let out a billow of fire.

Hugo screamed. Viola looked around in bewilderment.

"Hugo, what're you screaming for?" Viola asked, eyes wide.

"Did you not see?" demanded Hugo.

"Cedric just got burned," said Ava.

"Wait, really?" said Viola.

Her head swung around to see Cedric in the arena. Sure enough he was gripping a wound beneath his singed yellow shirt. But he was grinning triumphantly as he held his golden egg aloft. The stadiums had erupted into cheers.

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