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Year Three
Unbreakable Truth or Dare

For once, thought Viola as she stepped onto Hugo's porch, maybe I'll actually enjoy my summer holiday.

She was hopeful that her two week stay at Hugo's house would be fun, but who knew. There was always the chance the boy would talk her into insanity, but anything was better than spending the summer months hiding in her room avoiding her parents.

With luggage in hand, she crossed the porch, and stopped in front of the door, putting the afore mentioned baggage to the ground. She raised her fist to knock, then hesitated. She'd never been to a friends house before, or in muggles house before, and all of Hugo's family were muggles besides himself, so this was all a new experience for her.

The socially awkward side of Viola squirmed uncomfortably. She was unsure what to expect.

"Oh, stop being a coward," Viola muttered to her self, and she knocked sharply.

The sound of shouts came from within the blue countryside home, then there was the sound of footsteps, and a moment later the door swung open.

A boy appeared in the doorway. He greatly resembled Hugo, although he was taller and had brown eyes. When he saw Viola, a friendly smile spread across his face.

"Oh, hullo!" he said, "You must be Viola!"

The thirteen year old girl was rather shocked to find herself face to face with a good-looking older boy, not to mention the fact that he knew her name. It took her a moment to reply.

"Oh . . . yes, and you are?" Viola asked.

"Lance," said the boy, in a warm tone of voice, "I'm Hugo's older brother." He held out a hand to Viola. She shook it.

"Good to meet you," said Viola.

"You as well," said the boy, "Won't you come in?" He gestured through the door.

"Yes," said Viola. She began gathering up her luggage.

"Let me help you with that," said Lance, reaching for a piece of luggage.

"Oh, there's no need," Viola began, but Lance was already taking a suitcase from her, while propping the door open for her at the same time.

"Thank you," Viola said, smiling shyly at the boy as she entered the Leighton home.

Viola was immediately charmed by the Leighton's household. All she could see was the hallway, but she looked around it with a smile of delight upon her lips. Everything was painted a light pleasing color, and the whole place was sort of messy, and homey, and smelled of shea butter.

"So," said Lance, closing the door and coming up behind her, "You're a witch huh?"

Viola looked around at the boy who was staring at her with interest. She nodded.

"Wicked!" said Lance, "Wish I could do magic . . . Well, I'll tell Hugo you're here. Just leave your stuff in the hallway. I'll show you the kitchen."

Viola placed her case, and animals cage down on the floor, then followed Lance down the hallway.

They entered the kitchen, and Viola eagerly, and slightly nervously, took in her surroundings. She had just enough time to notice the pale yellow walls and the red headed man at the stove before she was stumbling back as something large and furry jumped onto her, thumping its paws against her thin chest. A slimy wet tongue hit her lips.

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