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Ginny chewed on her quill pensively. She was lying on the red carpet of the common room, staring hard at her astronomy homework. It was hard to focus on the stars when all your mind could think about was how the Yule Ball was taking place in twenty days and still no one had invited you to go to it.

Now that December had arrived (bringing light snow with it) it was all pretty much any of the students could think of. Just the other day Wish had got in detention during potions for trying to brew a love potion (key word being try) when they were supposed to be making a itching cure. The potion had exploded in Wish's face, and so did Snape.

Although she tried to tell herself she wasn't, Ginny was still hoping Harry might, in some sort of miracle, invite her to the ball. As far as Ginny knew, he didn't have a partner yet. But it was too much to hope for . . .

"Hello Ginny," said Hermione's voice.

Ginny jumped as Hermione took a seat in the chair beside where Ginny was sprawled. She hadn't even heard the girl approaching.

"Doing homework?" asked Hermione.

There was something rather strained in Hermione's voice that made Ginny look at her closely. Her arms were filled with books, and her cheeks were very pink.

"Where were you?" asked Ginny suspiciously.

She rolled off of her stomach and onto her back, then sat up.

"Library," said Hermione. She'd already opened a book and was flipping through it.

"And did something happen there?" asked Ginny. "You look rather flustered."

Hermione's lips parted, and she looked like she was trying to say something, but at that moment the two girls became conscious of someone standing awkwardly nearby.

Ginny looked around to see that it was Neville.

"Oh, hello Neville," said Ginny. "What's wrong?"

"Hi Ginny," said Neville rather nervously. "I actually wanted to talk to you, Hermione. Do you have a moment?"

Hermione looked up from her text book. "Oh, sure, Neville. What is it? Do you need help with your homework?"

Neville rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No . . ." he said. "I was actually wondering if you . . . If you'd like to come to the ball with me?"

Hermione turned bright red and Neville quickly followed.

"Just as friends," Neville added quickly. "If not, it's okay, but I just thought-"

Neville trailed off into unintelligible mutters.

"I'm really sorry Neville," said Hermione. "But, I'm already going with someone."

Ginny, who had been looking back and forth between the two, turned to gape at Hermione.

"You are? Who?" Ginny demanded.

But Hermione was still focused on Neville. She had a slightly pained expression of pity and regret on her face.

"Oh. It's fine then," said Neville. "I'll just - yeah. Don't worry about it."

Then he awkwardly shuffled away at full speed.

"Who are you going with?" Ginny asked again.

Hermione stood with a heavy sigh.

"It's been a long day," said Hermione. "I think I'll go up to bed."

"Wait not until you tell me who you're going to the ball with!" said Ginny. She jumped to her feet.

Hermione gathered up get books, then headed for the stairs heading up to the girl's dormitory.

Ginny followed her.

"Hermione Jean Granger!" said Ginny as they climbed the stairs. "You'd better tell me!"

"It's really not important Ginny," said Hermione impatiently.

They reached Hermione's dorm and the two girls headed in together. It was empty except for themselves.

"Come on," said Ginny, jumping onto an empty bed. "Who is it?"

Hermione sighed, and dropped her books onto the table beside her bed with a thump.

"Fine," huffed Hermione, not looking at Ginny. "Viktor Krum."

For a moment Ginny didn't understand why the conversation had switched to that of a famous Quidditch player. Then she realized what Hermione was saying. Her eyes went wide.

"Viktor Krum?" said Ginny. "The Viktor Krum?"

"Yes, the Viktor Krum," said Hermione, sounding vaguely annoyed.

"Wow! I mean I'm not surprised he went for you, but I never thought you'd go for a Quidditch player," said Ginny. "When did this happen?"

Hermione turned and faced Ginny now. Her cheeks were pink again and she looked uncomfortably embarrassed.

"Today. In the library," said Hermione.

"Brilliant!" said Ginny, now understanding why Hermione had come in looking so flustered. "I didn't realize you and Viktor had something going."

Ginny couldn't help wiggling her eyebrows at Hermione, making her blush even darker.

"We don't!" said Hermione. "I mean we didn't. We might? I'm not sure! It just happened all so suddenly! I see him in the library all the time but I just never expected this to happen and when he asked, well, he was very sweet about it. I couldn't say no. I didn't want to say no either -"

"Hermione," cut in Ginny. "I think it's great that you're going with him!"

"Really?" said Hermione.

"Yeah!" said Ginny.

Hermione sighed.

"Just please don't tell Ron and Harry," said Hermione. "They'll only tease me."

"Of course not," said Ginny.

There was a moment of silence then Ginny said, rather mournfully. "I guess that means there's no hope for you and Filch then?"

Hermione snorted.

"Ginny, please don't tell me you're brining that back up again!" said Hermione in exasperation.

"But Hermione," said Ginny, "Just imagine Filch guiding you by your arm into the great hall on the evening of the grand occasion!"

"Please no!" said Hermione covering her ears. "I'd sooner go with the ghoul in your attic!"

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