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Viola was quite excited when Ava came back to school the Sunday after Christmas along with all the other students who had gone home for the Holidays.

Viola had done her best over the past few days to evade Hugo's questions about the ball, and it would be nice to have someone else there so take the attention off herself.

Viola and Hugo went to meet Ava in the entrance hall.

The great doors opened to reveal the dark brown ground around the Hogwarts castle frosty with snow, like chocolate cake dusted in sugar.

Ava came through the door, her blonde hair and red beret also dusted in snow. She had a bright smile on her face.

Viola had never felt to glad to see Ava before. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed her until now. Viola was the first one to greet her with a tight hug.

"Hello, Viola!" said Ava happily, squeezing her back.

Hugo put his arms around both of them, making a group hug.

"We missed you!" said Viola.

Between the warmth of her friends, Viola didn't feel as sad as she had only seconds ago.

After they'd finished hugging, the three friends headed into the great hall where breakfast was commencing.

"Where's Clemi?" Ava asked, noticing the absence of their fourth part in their group of friends.

"Couldn't get her out of bed," said Hugo with a shrug. "That girl sleeps more than a bear in hibernation."

"So how was your holiday?" asked Viola.

She began piling French toast onto all their plates.

"Brilliant!" said Ava happily. "My local theater did a play, which I was able to perform in."

"Oh, right, I forgot you do theatre," said Viola. She actually found it quite surprising that Ava did theatre. She was so quiet.

"What play?" asked Hugo eagerly.

"A Christmas Carol," said Ava.

"Who did you play?" asked Viola, hoping Ava did have a role and wasn't just an extra or something.

"I played the Ghost of Christmas Past," said Ava proudly.

Hugo whistled. "Whooo! Go Ava!"

Ava grinned happily.

"Did your parents come to see it?" asked Hugo.

"Well, my mum did," said Ava, "Not my dad. He's been in jail for years."

Both Viola and Hugo paused their eating to stare at their friend. Neither had ever heard this bit of information about her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Hugo.

"Yeah," said Viola.

Ava shrugged with a small smile.

"It's okay. We're better off without him anyway," said Ava. And she seemed like she meant what she said.

Viola felt sorry for Ava, having parent in jail, but she also felt bad because she'd only found this out now. She'd know Ava for almost three years now, you'd think she would've know these things about her. But just like last year with the boggart, Ava was making it clear that she was full of surprises.

"My sister and brother came as well," Ava added.

Her and Hugo began chatting about the play A Christmas Carol. It seemed to be quite popular in the muggle world, but Viola had never heard of it, despite the fact that her mother was a muggle.

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