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All the first years from all houses shared Herbology that afternoon. Ginny found herself standing next to the blonde girl who she had met the night before with the weird earrings.

She stared at Ginny for a moment then said. "I'm Luna Lovegood,"

Ginny smiled. "I'm Ginny Weasley, its very nice to meet you!"

The girls face lit up in a slightly vacant smile. "Oh, that's very nice of you say! No ones ever said it's very nice to meet me..."

"Oh," said Ginny, not quite sure how to reply. "Well it is!"

"It's nice to meet you too," said Luna. "Your hair is very vibrant, and very vacant of wrackspurts,"


Viola arrived late to Herbology and found the only place where there was enough room to squeeze in was between Luna Lovegood and the curly haired Hufflepuff boy. The boy smiled at Viola.

"Hullo, I'm Hugo!" He said.

"Viola," she murmured in return.

Hearing the conversation , Luna looked around. Viola found her gaze unsettling. She never seemed to blink.

"Oh look, you brought your wrackspurts with you!" said Luna, pointing at the air above Viola's head.

All Viola could go was stare at the ludicrous girl while thinking that she had to be insane. Behind her Hugo laughed. Luckily at that moment Professor Sprout clapped her hands together and called "Alright chaps, today we shall be repotting snargaluff seedlings. Now-"

Luna's hand drifted into the air.

"Yes Miss Lovegood?" Asked Sprout.

"Do the seedlings want to be replanted?" Luna asked. Many students sniggered.

Professor Sprout frowned, opened her mouth, closed it, than opened it again. "Well of course they do! Their pots are too small!"

"But it's their home," said Luna  dreamily. "And a home is still a home, no matter what size,"

Professor Sprout did not seem to know how to respond to that.

"Yes...well. They want a new a home. A bigger home," said Sprout.

"Did you ask them?" Said Luna.

"Of course not! They're bloody plants!" Sprout blustered, becoming more and more flustered by Luna's confusing words.

"Daddy and I grow dirigitable plums and if you listen very, very carefully to can hear them whispering!" said Luna.

"Loony Luna," Viola heard someone say and she had to agree. This girl was off her rocker.

"Well...the seedlings whispered and told me they want to move," said Sprout gruffly. "Now, let's get to work."

Luna finally stopped talking as the class continued. Viola was disappointed when Luna and Ginny were paired up ,and she was stuck with Hugo the Hufflepuff. He was apparently another talker.

"Yeah, I'm muggle born. Not ashamed of it though! You are really good at replanting seedlings! I wish I could be as good as you."

As much as Viola enjoyed complements, she didn't find that one the most flattering as she removed the seedlings and its clump of dark soil from one pot to another.

"It really doesn't take much talent,"
Viola said flatly.

"I dunno," said Hugo, watching her admiring. "Your pretty good- whoops!"

He had dropped his. The soil around the little plant crumbled.

"Get another one Mr Leighton," Sprout called.

And so the boy tried again. He asked Viola to help him and she was forced to patiently explain the steps.

Half way through class, the door to green house one swung open. Ava entered the greenhouse. She looked slightly disheveled, but relatively unfazed.

"Sorry I'm late," Ava said, meeting Professor Sprouts gaze full on as she took a spot at the table where the repotting was going on. Her eyes grazed over Morgana and Bertha sniggering across the way, but not even a flicker of anger or suspicion crossed her face.

Viola felt guilty again. She had forgotten all about Ava until now, but the girl hadn't shown up to any of the previous classes or lunch. Viola looked at Morgana and Bertha, who both looked highly pleased with themselves. Hatred rushed up in Viola's chest. She wanted to apologize to Ava for letting all that happen, but if she did the two mean girls would turn on her. So Viola just turned back to the seedlings.

"I'll see you soon!" Hugo called to her cheerily, as they left Herbology. Viola gave a faint smile but secretly thought that the meeting could wait. Someone with curly blonde hair strode by Viola. Ava, Viola thought. She had a feeling if it weren't for Bertha and Morgana, she and Ava would've been friends.

Overall Viola thought her first day at Hogwarts could've been much better. She didn't even get to talk to Ginny and hadn't made any new friends. Well, Hugo seemed to think she was his friend.

After Herbology came History of Magic, which was taught by a ghost by the name of Professor Binns. Everyone else fell asleep, and Viola tried to pay attention but it was beyond hard. After dinner Viola settled down to do homework. When she was younger, her parents had sent her to a muggle school and Viola already liked the subjects taught at Hogwarts much better. Viola could remember crying over her math homework as she tried to untangle the confusion of three digit multiplication with no one to help her.

Viola had hated everything about her old school. Mostly the other children, they had taunted and teased Viola. They called her a witch after seeing that  her make a leaf move without touching it. Even though Viola already knew she was a witch, the taunts made her feel like she was some evil creature.

In the end she was expelled for "dropping a tree branch on someone's head". In reality she'd had no control over any such thing. But she was very glad to leave.

Her homework session was interrupted by the Prefect girl with the broad smile, her name was Katheryn, demanding to know who had spellotaped Ava into bed. Bertha and Morgana lied straight through their teeth, but Viola could tell Katheryn didn't believe them.

Katheryn pulled Viola aside.

"Viola I know it wasn't you who did that to Ava which means Bertha and Morgana had to have done it. But I can't tell the headmaster without proof. Did you see them do it?"

Kathryn's blue eyes searched Viola's face. Viola hesitated. Kathryn was having confidence in her. No one had ever had confidence in her before. Viola really, really wanted to tell Kathryn the truth, but she knew if she did, Morgana and Bertha would make her pay for it.

"No. I didn't see a thing,"

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