The Best Of Zayn Malik

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And last but not least Zayn . Even though he left the band in 2015 he was such a beyond amazing singer. With out him One Direction wouldn't have sounded as it did through the years .

Many people cried when he left . Originally I never liked Zayn but when I realized why he left the band I loved him. He wanted to make his own music he still loves One Direction.

Zayn was the one who could always hit the highest notes . His voice just seemed to stand out from the group. Not in a bad way either just that his voice could go high and leave people speechless or make them scream.

Zayn to me isn't really a bad guy like I thought he was . He is now pursuing his dreams and he became a singer . And he is great at it too I can't even hate on him anymore.

Zayn had the voice and the looks . He is so talented at what he does . And any girl would be lucky to have a guy like him . I feel bad for always judging him even when he did nothing wrong.

Zayn has made so many songs and became successful. He made Don't wanna live forever, Party nextdoor and lots more. So thank you to Zayn for being part of a great boyband that even through all the lies and rumours still kept going.

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