Congratulations Louis

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Congratulations to Louis Tomlinson for winning best solo artist break out he deserves it more than any one else. Every one else who was a runner up did beyond an amazing job. I'm glad that people are showing how much they care for Louis and just seeing him for the lovely guy he is. Not for his money or his fame.

He has so much great talent with in him and it's not every day someone just treats him like a normal person and not that "one guy from that one band" yes I just made that pun from his song just like you lol. But really people are finally recognizing the fact that he works hard for the ones he loves not to show off.

So what if he has had his arguments on Twitter time to time, it shouldn't show him out to be a bad person no one can trust. People see Louis as such a bad guy because he defends who and what he loves, and it shouldn't make him the bad guy because I mean come on he wouldn't even hurt a fly .

Anyway congrats Louis on winning he deserves it for all the best things that he has done.

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