"Holding secrets within"

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The front door rattled as both boys laughed kissing one another. "Curly , Eleanor she's home what are we supposed to do?" Louis asked sitting up. "Calm down first, second I'll just go hide " Harry said "but Curly where ?" Louis asked no emotion on his face.

The door finally opened both Harry and Louis heard the clicking of heels and laughter. Eleanor came stumbling into the living area with a guy holding her hand. "What is this ?" She asked looking at Louis then at Harry . Harry smirked " I don't tell secrets " he breathed in her face . She took in the smell of his peppermint gum.

"Fair enough, just one question?" She said pointing at Louis "don't pay me again Tomlinson, I'm done covering up for you to look straight, got it " she said anger in her voice. "We all hold secrets within" Louis said taking Harry's hand before walking upstairs.

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