Chapter 4: Welcome Home, Otosan!...Still Not

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"You'll have to form a contract with the gods," the gray lady stated.

Ugh, I'm hating this already...

"You chose this. If you want to quit and move on to another world or just die again, go ahead by all means."

Uh, no thanks. I'm just complaining a bit.

"Please take this seriously. Dealing with the gods is no trifling matter."

Yeah, now, carry on please. I'd like to meet my new dad at least before I die.

She sighed, already unamused eyes showing how she was even more unamused, if that was possible.

"There is a list of gods who in line for a Deviant familiar every time one happens to fall into this world. If a Deviant decided to make a contract, the next god in line will be the one they become tied with."

So, I'm a to-go order for the next WacDonald's customer?

"I hold no knowledge of that which you speak of. I only meant to state that the next god in line will become of a sort. They will watch you and make sure that you do as you are tasked."

Hold up, if they are a guardian then what am I?

"Just someone that has a possession contract with them."


"Your existence just 'belongs' to them, in name only. It's a very thin tie that binds you together. However, if you fail, you become their familiar and serve them for the rest of your undetermined life."

I make face. That's sounds like a horrible deal. Being a consolation slave for their wasted time is not high on my priorities.

"Turn back," she tried to convince me again, light returning to her eyes. Was this really that bad?

No. I made my decision already.

"They never change...Okay then, moving on," she clapped her hands together wearily, like she'd done this too many times. Probably has.

Which god will I make a contract with?

"That is only determined after the ceremony is done and the mark of completion shows up. That will tell you your owner's identity through the insignia that shows up on you."

What is this task I have to do?

"That is not specified until Zuelis decides."

Again with his rule? I'm hating this guy more by the second.

"The gods always assign the tasks. Also, he may not be paying attention, but it always makes its way back to him eventually. Be careful of what you say," she warned.

Sure. What do I call you?

"Zuelis' representative."

I don't like that guy's name and I bet there are many more of those representatives, with how "magnificent" he is. What do I call you?

She looked surprised for a second as her eyebrows raised. "It's been a long time since someone asked me that...but my name is Teria. Teria Brook, daughter of a minor god."

Teria then. I was sick of calling you "the gray lady" in my head. Out of ten, can you tell me how many times a...Deviant...has succeeded in the task they were given?

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