Chapter 74: Forced to Rest!

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Daylight filtered through my windows, the world silent and unmoving as I stared at the light cast on the wall. It was warm, my hands on top of the covers not cold at all and my head soothed even with something binding it.

I lay there for a while, not really feeling anything. My eyes were dazed and I couldn't really focus, until something close to an hour had passed and I started to feel this...throbbing.

It was the back of my head, along with my calves and back.

Frowning, my body struggled to move so I could find the mirror I gave Father and see what was wrong.

Big mistake.


Tears went to my eyes as I cried, racking sobs making my head pound even more as I turned over. This was nothing compared to what I experienced at the twins' birthday, but pain was pain-no matter how much it was, it still hurt.

My HP, which was usually ridiculously high, was down. Like, way down. I wasn't close to death, no, but it was still shocking to see how much had been gouged out.

A door opened and I heard someone running in, but I didn't care to see as I sniffled like a little child, panting and trying to get my bearings. It wasn't even embarrassing to be seen as such, like if you are barely nicked by a rose thorn and you burst into tears even though you know it's nothing.

I was cuddled into someone's arms, being shushed and hiccuping. I couldn't breathe and wriggled as I tried to turn on my side, but I wasn't allowed to move and was simply held tight.

"Calm down, baby, you're safe. It's okay, it's okay, you're fine," I was held up and my face fell on a soft cheek as I was still squeezing out silent tears, a sob let out once in a while.

Something was brought to my mouth, and then I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Drink, you'll feel better, Sissy," a mutter was heard.

"Come on, Sissy, drink."

Something latched onto my hand, and I started breathing through my nose, which I forgot existed.

Calming down but still feeling sticky with tears on my face, I fell back asleep again and my head fell back as I conked out.

They were right; I felt way better. My head was the only thing that hurt, along with my chest.

However, I still felt very thirsty. My throat was dry, even after having that warm substance that tasted very familiar. It tasted like a mana potion, a very small one.

My MP, which was at two, rose by ten. My HP rose by three.

A bit later, the sun still in the same position, I rose up while groggy and propped myself on my own pillows.

My eyes were glazed, very blurry. I couldn't see a single thing, to the point I thought I needed glasses. That may very well have been the case, because everywhere I looked it became even worse until I activated a Skill that let me see like Knight did, without eyes but instead with a type of "third eye."

My head rolled to the side on the luxurious pillows, seeing someone through my closed eyes as they came through the door.

Magaris. She was carrying a platter balanced on one hand, opening and closing the door with the other.

She approached my prone form, feeling my cheeks since my forehead was bandaged.

"Still too cold," she shook her head. "What'll become of you now?"

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