Chapter 115: Unleash the Beast

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I wish I knew the sound for when the world falls away.

I wish I knew how to describe the way the world's silence made me feel, knowing that I couldn't control my body and that I'd unleashed something that should've been impossible under any circumstances.

I wish I hadn't done that, truly. But, I mused as I sat on the floor in the form of my damaged soul, it was necessary. Also, the perfect opportunity to try that out.

Yes, the perfect opportunity to try it out...the power I have as someone with with 1/3 Dragon power running through their veins, that is. I never told Fang I could do this, fearful of how he would react; heck, I didn't really know I could do this. I didn't fear he'd shun me for being a Deviant with too many powers, but rather I feared he would make me use this power as my main since it was what he could teach best. One of his kin picked up his legacy, something he's probably been waiting for for some time.

He wouldn't let me rest until he'd trained me to be the finest protege he'd ever had.

Again, scary. I didn't want to imagine how many more years would be shaved off my life from that.

But yeah, now it's just me in this dark underwater pool of my Dragon side, waiting for the visuals to kick in so I could see even a little bit of what my body was doing outside. I was very worried because Dragons were known to be very erratic, dangerous, tempered. If someone ticked me off, there's no telling what would happen. And that's already if you don't take into account that the pool of the Dragon was as black as the pool of the Demon when it wanted to be.

     Which prompted a question in me: what do I look like right now? Did my body take on some sort of scaly theme like in a hardcore fantasy manga? Or did I turn full Dragon?

     Ugh, I can only guess and dread the maintenance needed for something like that.

Making a bored face at the bottom of the pool that I could not see, I anxiously waited. Had I destroyed something important already? That white pavilion we had woke up under looked pretty important, and the corpses probably didn't need to be mutilated anymore than they already were. The only things in the surroundings were the pavilion with the many corpses, not a single tree or structure in sight for many kilometers. I hadn't felt any fairies either, or any other life.

     But still...Did I hurt someone? Kitri? Lorice? Tuila? Were they able to get far enough away?

     Please don't let Kitri have run back. I couldn't stand the thought of me having killed him, if what I let loose was that powerful.

     OMG. I only just freaking realized that I could be Natsu flipping Dragneel's twin.

     I shook my head, hair flying about in the water.

     What a day.

     At least, I thought it had been a day. I'd been wallowing around in there for a while, trying and failing to swim to the top. It was making me very tired, to the point that I knocked out once and didn't regain consciousness until I was electrocuted, a loud sound resounding through the water as something sped past me.

     Freaking Takuya! Did you just shoot at me?!

     No response. It felt like something was jamming the soul-deep connection between us. I couldn't hear anything else other than "me."

     I took a breath, I heard myself taking a breath. If I slapped myself, I heard the slap.

     If I swung my hand at the water, though, that usual swishing noise of water rushing went unheard. If I yelled out, it did not echo or even sound garbled. Everything I did was perfectly clear, yet soundless at the same time. Freaky.

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