Operation: Save Sylvia-Danchou! Part. 2

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When Erwin went back to the dining room, everyone had a worried expression on their faces.

"Who would've taken her?" Jean asked.

"The story has no haters, right?" Armin said.

"How the hell did she went missing? Nobody can fight against her!" Ymir said.

"I hope Sylvia returns soon! I miss her pasta!" Sasha cried.

And the murmuring went on, Erwin glanced at the envelope before he called everyone's attention.

"Everyone, please settle down! I need each and everyone of you to go back to your seats," and everyone followed, "I found an envelope inside Sylvia's room. It doesn't have any adress written on it or who's it from." Erwin said as he examined the envelope he placed on the table.

"What are you waiting for? Read it!" Levi said. Erwin nodded and tore the envelope open, taking the purple scented paper out.

"Dear Characters of SnK

By the time you're done reading this, head towards the AV room, I'll be waiting~"

"The kind of bullshit is this?!" Reiner cried.

"No time to complain, I say we run to the AV room!" Eren quickly suggested, the others quickly equipped their 3DMG and glided along the walls, (traps, remember?) when they reached the AV Room, they opened the door and was greeted by a person wearing a half mask on the screen.

The person had a smirk and hands on hips. She was wearing a long sleeved blouse and pants, one side was white and the other was black, the ribbon tied around her kneck was red, however. At the background, Sylvia was tied to a chair, looking bored.

"Sylvia!!" The cast cried.

"Finally! Took you all long enough!" The kidnapper sighed.

"Sylvia! Are you okay?!" Eren cried.

"Oh yeah, so far, they haven't pointed a sharp thing at me, they haven't threatened me. And I am sooo bored. My kidnapper is boring!" Sylvia whined.

"S-shut up! I fed you!!" The kidnapper protested.

"Booooriiiiiinnnnng. Your cooking is worse than Arthur Kirkland's." Sylvia stuck her tongue out.

"She's fine..." the cast sweat dropped.

However, they stopped murmuring to one another when a slap sound was heard. They turned back to the screen where they saw the kidnapper had slapped Sylvia. The Danchou was staring at the ground, her cheek tinted red with a bit of a handprint. She wasn't uttering a word which made the cast worried.

Slowly, Sylvia lifted her head and she made the most adorable teary eyed expression that would leave anyone to go, 'awwwwww'.

"T-that...hurt..." Sylvia whimpered. The kidnapper blushed, but she shook her head. The kidnapper turned her attention back to the cast and cleared her throat.

"If you want to see your precious Danchou again, bring me the blue file inside Sylvia's room. You have until tomorrow's sundown." And the kidnapper left.

"Ya didn't even tell them whe- goddamnit. Inexperienced kidnapper." Sylvia murmurred.

"Uhm... Where's this blue file?" Armin asked.

Sylvia blushed and vigorously shook her head, "i-i-i-it's nothing....! Y-you don't have to look for it!" Sylvia stuttered.

"Nonesense, we have to save you!" Erwin said. Sylvia started to cry and whimper out words like, 'you care!' and 'you guys are the best!'

"O-okay... But first, you have to call, the Trainee." She said.

"The Trainee?" The cast said in unison. Sylvia nodded.

"After you call The Trainee, she can-" But Sylvia was cut off when the kidnapper returned.

"Hey... You hate bell peppers, right?"

"..... Why...?"

"I'm making bell pepper juice~!" and the kidnapper left. Sylvia made a face of pure disgust and was about to cry again.

"What the hell is a bell pepper juice?!" Sylvia cried and the screen went black.

"W-what should we do?" Sasha asked.

"Call The Trainee I guess..." Connie replied.

They all remained silent until Levi said, "do you hear that?"

The others gave him a puzzled look.

"If you listen closely, you could hear a girl screaming for mercy because she doesn't want to drink bell pepper juice."

Erwin face palmed, "goddamnit, Levi..."

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