Chapter 2 - Sophie

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I can't stop thinking about The Outsiders. It was such a sad book. I wish that I could go back in time and save Johnny and Dallas. Elvin remedies can heal burns, even burns like Johnny's, so Johnny would live, and Dallas wouldn't lose the one person that gives him purpose.

I decided to translate the book into Elvin runes so that elves can read it.

"What's wrong? Sophie, don't cry," Biana said.

She's my best friend out of the girls.

"I can't stop thinking about a book I read. It's called The Outsiders. It's based on a true story. It's really sad. Here, I was bored, so I translated it into runes. Read it,"

Biana took the journal and started reading. When she finished, I could see her teal eyes brimming with tears.

"That is so sad. If we were there, we could've saved them."

"I know. That's why I was crying."

"Dex is a talented Technopath. Maybe, he could build a time machine so we can go back and rescue them," Biana suggested, "I'm going to go to Slurps and Burps to see if he's there. Slurps and Burps!"

The crystals rotated.

"Take the journal in case he needs convincing that he should."

I tossed the journal to Biana.

"Okay, bye," she said as she stepped into the beam of light.

I reached out with my mind, searching for my Cognate in training, Fitz. Our telepathy mentor, Sir Tiergan wants us to share our biggest secret with each other. Mine could ruin our friendship forever.

Yes, forever. I still can't believe that elves have an unlimited life span. The only part that ages is our ears. They get pointier and pointier. Councillor Bronte, my inflicting mentor, has really pointy ears, so he's a couple thousand years old, but he looks like he's in his mid-thirties.

Fitz, are you listening? I transmit

Hey Sophie, you sound sad. What's wrong? he replied.

I read a really sad book. It's called The Outsiders. I translated it into runes, but I gave Biana the translated version because she wants to see if Dex can make a time machine. Just in case he needs convincing. You can ask Biana for it, or if she let Dex keep it, then ask Dex.

I'm going to go to Slurps and Burps to see if he's there. Fitz transmitted.

Alright. I replied.

I decided to work on my alchemy. I don't take it anymore, but it's a good skill. I just happen to be awful at it.

In my first year, I managed to burn Lady Galvin's prized cape. She was my alchemy mentor. I thought that the directions said whip, but they said WHAP, or Wash Hands And Present. Keefe teased me about that for months, except I think he was slightly in awe of me.

I really wish that someone would tell me what the Great Gulon Incident was. I think Keefe was behind it, even though he denied it.

He likes to use gulon gas in his pranks. He hid his dad's favorite cape in a closet on the 29th floor and rigged the door with gulon gas. He told Alden, Fitz and Biana's dad, to tell his dad that he hid it in the closet, but not to tell him that he rigged the door with gulon gas before we had to leave for Florence, Italy to find the Black Swan.

"Sophie, could you give me a hand with Verdi?" Grady shouted.

Grady is my adoptive father, and Verdi is the T-Rex. We call her our permanent resident because she won't adapt to a vegetarian diet. Grady and Edaline, my adoptive mother, run an animal rehabilitation center here at Havenfield. They train animals to lose their predatory side and become vegetarians. Then the animals can be moved to the Sanctuary where they can live.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now