Chapter 76 - Biana

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I took a deep breath, before knocking on Dex's door. "Dex." I whispered, "Did you have-"

"Another dream." he finished, opening the door. I was standing there, with Keefe. We'd both had another dream.

"Hey." Keefe said, running his hand through his hair. Keefe had made me wait for him to style it, before knocking on Dex's door.

"Hey." Dex replied, "So, those dreams. Who did you get?"

"I got Two-Bit." Keefe said, "I wish I knew what chocolate cake was."

"I got Dallas." I muttered, "He was so ornery. He got shot."

"In the waist." Dex whispered, "I got Johnny and Tess. She told me that Tam managed to deflect most of the bullets. Probably telekinesis."

"Probably." I said, "Dallas, he threw his arms up, even though he was shot. Then, he cursed." The words he used, they were so dirty. I can't begin to imagine what he'll do here.

"I want Two-Bit to get here. We can have so much fun pranking people." Keefe smirked.

"Keefe! No pranks!" I shouted.

"Not even on the stuffy nobles that shop at Slurps and Burps?" Keefe asked.

"Only there." I sighed. "Please, Keefe. No other pranks."

"Fine. You do realize that you're no fun, though?"

"Not your idea of fun." I said.

"Your much funner than Keefe, and his pranks." Dex stood up for me. I smiled, grateful for his backup.

"Dex, I thought we were friends!" Keefe said dramatically. He's so dramatic.

"We are, I just don't think your pranks are that much fun." Dex said, "Oh, by the way, the greasers like Truth or Dare. I asked Johnny and Tess."

"Oh, cool. Does Tess like makeovers?" I asked.

"She only likes them before a rumble." Dex said, "Tess seems more of a tomboy. I don't think she'll like these clothes."

"Well, I'll dare her into a makeover." I smiled.

"Okay." he said.

"I am so daring Two-Bit to prank Master Cadence!" Keefe smirked, "Effluxers. And Lady Cadence. This is going to be so much fun."

"No pranks!" I shouted, "Only for Slurps and Burps! Not at Foxfire!"

"Aw, it'll be Two-Bit, that gets caught. If he gets caught." Keefe whined.

"No." Dex said, "Just no."

"Aw, please?" he asked.

"No!" Dex and I shouted at the same time.

"I bet Two-Bit won't get caught." Keefe said.

"What do you bet?" Dex asked.

"If I win, you dye your hair green, and leave it green for a week." Keefe smirked.

"And if I win, you go through one of Biana's makeovers, and follow her instructions for clothes, and stuff, for a week." Dex smirked at Keefe's face.

"Deal." Keefe held out his hand.

"Deal." Dex shook Keefe's hand, and smirked. "May the best win." He whispered, "Obviously me."

"Dude, you are so going down!" Keefe shouted.

"You're both crazy." I muttered, shaking my head.

"They're both crazy." Ro interrupted from the end of the hall. "If you want to not get caught, get me to do it. Who wants to mess with the ogre princess?"

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now