Chapter 46 - Sophie

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"Hey, Darry." I said, as he walked into the kitchen. I was watching Soda make pancakes.

"Green or purple?" Soda asked, holding up two bottles of food coloring.

"Purple." I answered. Green was the color of life, and the typical color to wear at plantings. I didn't want to remind Fitz of his dad's planting.

"Oh, I had a real weird dream last night." Darry said, "There was a boy in it. He called himself the Master Prankster-"

"Keefe." I said, "I wonder how? Fitz, do you have any idea?" I turned to Fitz who was sitting on the couch.

"Nope." he said, "Maybe genetic modification?"

"Probably." I said.

"He said to tell you that he was kicked out of his dad's house. Something about breaking his dad's achievements. He was swinging on a rope, I think. Made out of his capes? I dunno, it was weird. He called you four, Foster, Wonderboy, Linh, and-"

"Bangs Boy." Tam said, "He won't stop making fun of my hair. Even though I've explained the significance of it to him multiple times." He shook his head, making his silver bangs gleam. I shook my head at their feud.

"Tam, Keefe will be Keefe. Get over it." Linh said.

"He has no impulse control." I moaned, "Please tell me he has somewhere to sleep at night." I rubbed my temples, trying to fight the headache that Keefe would cause, if he didn't have a place to sleep.

"He said he was sleeping at, um, what was it? Evergreen?" Darry muttered, trying to remember.

"Everglen?" I asked. If he was there, he wouldn't be on the streets, and Biana could keep him in line.

"Yes!" Everglen!" he exclaimed, "He said to bring your hands, the next time you see him."

"Bring my-Keefe Sencen! He wants me to enhance his abilities! That's what he thinks of! Enhancing his abilities. I'm in a whole new world, that's arguably more dangerous than the Lost Cities, and that's what he thinks of!" I ranted.

"Hey, Sophie, calm down. Remember, that's his coping mechanism. Joking around." Fitz said, taking my hands.

"What happened?" Zara moaned, as she woke up.

"You got jumped." Soda said, "Me and Steve-"

"Steve and I." I interrupted.

"Fine. Steve and I were on our way home from the DX when we saw the Socs surround you. They cut ya pretty bad on your side. They got your arm too."

"My sisters! Where are they?" she exclaimed.

"In the kitchen. I made purple pancakes." Soda said, "Do ya want some?"

"Okay." Zara said, trying to get up. "Ow." she moaned.

"Yeah, that's not healed. I'll bring some to ya." Soda said, nearly running into a wall in his excitement to get the food. Darry chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Okay, thanks." Zara whispered, "Why are y'all doing this for me and my sisters?"

"We can help you. Tam's a Shade, just like you. And Tara. Wylie's a Flasher, just like Lara. And I think Cara will manifest at soon." I said, "We're more similar than you'd think."

"Oh, so you can help?" Zara said, "It's hard, taking care of them by myself."

"You and Darry can bond, 'cause you're both the oldest, and have younger siblings to take care of!" Soda exclaimed, handing Zara her breakfast.

"Thanks." Zara smiled, "I suppose we could bond, but I need to make sure they're okay."

"We're fine, Zara. No need to worry!" Tara called cheerfully.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon