Chapter 31 - Pony

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A/N: It's my birthday! February 16. @Kayak15 thanks for welcoming me to the cool thirteen year old club! I don't know why the tag isn't working. Sorry.   :(

Anyways, on to the story!

"Where were y'all?" asked Two-Bit.

"Seeing Johnny." Evelyn replied.

"Evelyn, can I speak to you?" asked Alyssa. She looked kinda upset. Or maybe it was just emotional. Sometimes, it's kinda hard to tell.

"Sure. What do you want?" Evelyn said, as they walked to a quiet corner.

"Pony, you doing okay?" Soda asked, as he walked in.

"I wanna see Tess." I whispered, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't run into the church, none of this would be happening. Tess and Johnny wouldn't be burned." I started sobbing.

"Aw, Pone, it ain't your fault. Tess would've gone in, even if you hadn't gone in first. She's good, all the way through. Not a drop of bad in her." Soda said, rubbing my back.

"I feel awful." I whispered.

"If you stop smoking, you'll feel a lot better." Sophie said, taking the cancer stick out of my mouth, and putting it out.

"Hey!" I protested.

"These cause lung cancer, among other problems." she muttered, "I've got to get Linh to help me."

"I should see Tess." I said, getting up from the chair.

"I'll come with you." Soda said, "I didn't tell her where I was going when I ran out. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings."

"Alright." We walk to her door. "Tess? It's Pony. Can I come in?" I asked, as I knocked softly on her door.

"Yeah, you can come in." I opened the door, and saw Tess propped up by a pillow.

"Hey. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you earlier." I said.

"It's fine. Talk. Now." she said. At least she's not broken.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"For what?" Tess said, as she furrowed her brow.

"For running into the church. If I hadn't-"

"I would've run in, whether or not you went. I couldn't leave them." Tess said, interrupting me.

"Told ya so." Soda said, from the door.

"Soda." Tess sounded real upset. I touch her hand. Yeah, she's upset. And mad.

"Tess, I'm sorry." Soda said.

"Why did you run out of the room? Am I that much of a burden?" Tess whispered, her eyes glassy. "I thought we were close."

"Tess, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. That balm I put on your back has yeti pee in it. Can ya blame me for running outta the room, so I could wash my hands?" Soda said, trying to get Tess to smile.

"How do I know you're not lying?" she said.

"Tess, he's not." Sophie said, from the doorway. "It does have yeti pee in it. It's disgusting, but it heals burns really well." She rubbed her wrists. "Listen, I got burned on my wrists when I got kidnapped. Really badly. Elwin was able to heal me. I don't have any scars now." She showed us her wrists. "At least, not from that." I saw a large star shaped mark on her hand.

"What's that from?" Tess asked, pointing to the scar.

"I had to ingest an entire ounce of limbium, in order to heal my abilities. Limbium is deadly to me, even if it's only a few drops. This scar is from the remedy Mr. Forkle had to give me, so that I didn't die."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now