Chapter 57 - Maria

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The Socs arrived, four cars of 'em. I counted twenty-five. There were twenty-three of us, so I figured the odds were even enough. Us greasers are tuffer than the Socs. They all looked clean, and wore similar clothing. They could've been going to a movie, just as easily. People always blame us, 'cause we look shady, and the Socs look decent. They go off of looks, but half the hoods I know are decent, under all that grease. Socs on the other hand, are plain cold-blooded and mean.

A guy with a madras shirt stepped forward. "Let's get the rules straight. Nothing but our fists, and the first to run lose. Right?"

"You savvy real good." Tim said.

"Hey!" shouted a Soc, "Adderson, wrong side!"

"Me?" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah, you!"

"It's Cade, not Adderson!" she shouted. She was furious, and I knew she'd go for him, when the rumble started.

Silence followed. Who was going to start it? Darry solved that, by stepping forward, into the light shining from a nearby street lamp.

"I'll take on anyone." he said, his cold gaze flickering over each Soc.

A husky blond guy stepped out, and said, "Hello, Darrel."

"Hello, Paul." Darry said, his eyes flickering, before becoming icy again.

Soda squeaked quietly in the background.

"I'll take you." Paul said, and a smile crossed Darry's face. Just barely. They started sizing each other up.

"Hold up!" yelled a familiar voice. With that thick New York accent, it couldn't have been anyone except my idiot brother, Dallas Winston. "Hold it!" Darry turned, and Paul swung. I winced seeing the hard right, that would've felled just about anyone, my brother included. The rumble was on, and he ran to join us.

"Together." Pony muttered.

"Together." Tess echoed, as Dallas jumped onto a Soc's back. I saw Alyssa fighting the one who'd called out to her earlier. She was pinned under him, but fighting hard.

"Cade, you need a hand?" I called, running over.

"Would be nice." she gasped, dodging his fist. I saw the appreciation in her eyes, at being called 'Cade,' especially in front of him.

"Savvy." I said, as I started hitting him. He got distracted, giving Alyssa the perfect opportunity to knee him in the groin.

"Ow!" he howled, "Alyssa, I'll get you!" He ran to the side to nurse his wounds.

I glanced at Dally, and he was making a big deal about rubbing his arm on the Soc. Huh. I didn't have time to think about that, because Steve was really getting pummeled.

"Hey, Soc!" I shouted, "Ya better watch out."

"Why should I?" he asked snobbishly.

"Do ya even know who I am?" I asked.

"You're a rotten no-count hood!"

"Maria." I said, "Maria Winston." I smirked at the scared expression on his face. "Boo." I whispered. He took off running.

"Ow." Steve moaned, clutching his side.

"That's why you weren't fighting back?" I asked.

"It hurts like hell!" he shouted.

"Calm down." I said, "They're definitely broken."

A voice called out cheerfully, "They're running! Look at the dirty Socs run!" I think it was Two-Bit. Tim Shepard was cussing, 'cause his nose was broken again.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now