Chapter 92 - Tam

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"Nobody knows why you manifest, unless someone, or something, triggers it." Fitz said. "You just do." And sometimes you get shunned because of it. Or you don't manifest at all.

"Oh. What exactly can I do, now that I'm an Empath?" Cara asked.

"You can read emotions. You're a living lie detector, because unless the person you're reading can disguise their emotions, their emotions will tell you whether or not they're lying." Sophie said.

"Oh, so now nobody can lie to me?" Cara asked.

"Nobody should want to lie to you, unless they don't have any emotions." Sophie said.

"Dallas!" I shouted. I really don't like him. He's so hard, with no emotions.

"What about Dally?" Tess asked.

"He doesn't have any emotions! He's pretty much a rock." I said, shrugging.

"He has emotions." Pony argued, "He nearly broke down, when Johnny's mind broke." Yep, he tried to kill himself. That was one of the hardest things I had to do with telekinesis.

"That was one thing." I scoffed.

"That proves he has emotions." Tess said.

"Hey!" Dallas shouted, walking inside. Ugh. Why?

"Don't let the door-" Pony started to say.


"Slam." he finished. I don't really like it here, but I don't really like the Lost Cities either.

"Oops." Dallas shrugged. "Is that chocolate cake?"

"What do you think?" Tess said dryly.

"Yes?" he said.

"Of course it is!" she said, rolling her eyes. "But you have to eat salad first."

"What? You're crazy, man." Dallas drawled.

"Ya wanna try me?" Tess challenged him, cocking an eyebrow.

"I meant the eating salad part was crazy, man." Dallas said, shrugging.

"Did you know that pork and bacon come from pigs?" Two asked.

"Yeah, course I do, man." Dallas said. He says, 'man,' way too much. It's getting on my nerves.

"Why did everyone know, except for me?" Two wailed.

Dallas looked at him strangely, before turning towards Johnny. "What happened, Johnnycakes?"

"Tess wanted Two to eat salad, but he refused, saying plants are dirty." Johnny said.

"But animals are dirtier. Do you know all the dirt on them? Especially pigs." Linh said. They roll around in the mud.

"And Two wanted to know what meat came from pigs." Dallas finished.

"Exactly." Tess said.

"You'd probably be able to lie to an Empath, Dallas. You don't have any emotions." I muttered.

"He has emotions!" Tess shouted.

"He nearly had a breakdown when Johnny's mind broke!" Pony yelled.

"Jeez, what's all this, man?" Dallas asked Alyssa.

"They're arguing over whether or not you have emotions." Alyssa said.

"Seriously, man? I have emotions. I hide them behind walls." Dallas scoffed.

"That's what we're trying to get Tam to understand!" Tess exclaimed.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now