Chapter 48 - Dex

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Biana said, "I hope they're okay." Her smile dropped. "It feels wrong, that we're laughing, and they're gone. They could be dead, or seriously injured."

"Hey, it'll be okay." I said, "Don't worry."

"Yeah." Keefe brushed his hand against her arm. "You're really worried. Calm down, they'll be fine. Foster's had so many near deaths, time traveling is nothing."

"But in the book, the Socs, they were so violent. I don't know how they could do that. And to their own species. The greasers didn't do anything to them." Biana whispered, her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, Biana, it'll be okay. They have Sucker Punches. And Foster can teleport. And they can cling to her, and scream like banshees." He smirked, trying to make her smile.

"I guess, it's just, I'm worried. What if the Socs get Sophie when she's alone?"

"Then, she can either Sucker Punch them, inflict, use telekinesis, or run to the nearest place she can free fall from, and split a crack in the universe." Keefe said, "She has options."

"Biana, don't worry. They'll be fine. Even Wonderboy. I think he's in more danger here. I nearly killed Wonderboy." I said, shuddering slightly, at the memory of the black spiderweb spreading across his chest.

"Ugh, the vomiting was awful." Biana shuddered.

"The Great Vacker Hurl Fest?" Keefe exclaimed, "It was kind of cool. Black vomit."

"Ew." Biana managed to say.

"I second that." I said, shuddering. "You're so gross. And you have green hair."

"You dared me." he said, "And Keefe never wimps out."

"What else don't you do?" I said dryly.

"Keefe doesn't do green hair, but not wimping out tops that. Keefe will fly halfway across the world, on an alicorn to help heal Foster."

"Dude, stop." I said.

"Stop what?" he asked innocently.

"Talking about yourself in the third person." I said, "It's creepy." I shuddered. But not as creepy as the Neverseen.

"Dude, you're a real mood killer." he said.

"And you can be a lady killer." I snapped. I was fed up with Keefe's snarky attitude, and not caring about Sophie and the others. Sophie's my cousin, and best friend.


"I don't know, it's from one of those human movies my mom has." I said, shrugging. I knew I must've been blushing.

"Anyways, we have greasers to welcome!" Biana said, trying to change the subject.

"And we are so pulling pranks. We can rig their whole rooms!" Keefe exclaimed.

"No." Biana said, "Just no." She shook her head.

"Aw, why not?" Keefe whined.

"Because. We're supposed to welcome them, not scare them with your pranks." Biana said, crossing her arms.

Keefe shrugged. "It won't scare them. It'll just show them what it's like to live in the Lost Cities." He patted his hair. "And what it'll be like to be friends with us."

"Mainly, you." Biana said, "We're supposed to be nice. And not play pranks. Sophie said no pranks."

I started thinking about the dream I had last night.

"Hey? Anybody there?" asked a boy with brown hair. "This ain't funny." He pulled something out of his pocket. "I've got a switch, and I ain't afraid to use it."

"What's a switch?" I asked, stepping towards him.

"Ya don't know what a switch is?" he asked incredulously. "Where do ya live?"

"The Lost Cities." I replied cautiously, "What about you?"

"Tulsa." He grinned, "I've got a gang. Ya won't be able to defeat us."

"How many people?" I asked.

"Enough." he said, shrugging. "Ya have a cancer stick?"

"What's that?"

"Oh, here's one." He reached deep into his pocket and pulled out a stick. He created a small flame, and I backed away, reminded of Everblaze. I wasn't with Sophie, but seeing what it could do in Florence was enough. "What? It's just fire."

"Just fire?" I asked incredulously. "Fire destroyed so many things. So many lives." I whispered, thinking of Jolie, Councillor Kenric, and even Brant. If they didn't ban Pyrokinetics, he would've been able to get the help he needed.

"I needed to light my cancer stick." He sucked on the stick, and blew out smoke.

"Are you a Pyrokinetic?" I asked, unable to contain myself.

"Nah, I'm a Vanisher, according to Sophie." he said, "Name's Dallas Winston, but ya can call me Dally, or Dal."

"Dex Dizznee. Technopath." I replied, "Sophie's my best friend, and cousin."

"Really?" he asked, "I would've thought Fitz was, with all the staring into each other's eyes."

"No, they're Cognates. How did you create the fire?" I asked.

"A lighter." Dallas said, "Haven't you heard of these?" He held it up.

"Nope, here in the Lost Cities, we don't use fire that often. My cousin died in a fire." I whispered, "I never met her. My aunt and uncle, Sophie's parents, they visit her Wanderling every year."

"What's a Wanderling?" he asked.

"It's a tree, that's planted with a strand of your hair around the seed. When it sprouts, it has some of your traits." I said, "For example, Jolie's tree has turquoise flowers that are the same color as her eyes."

"Sounds like a lot of work, to wait that long to have a grave."

"It only takes a couple minutes." I said.

"Really?" he asked, blowing the smoke out. I coughed, fanning my arm to try to get rid of the scent.

"How can you stand the stench?" I asked.

"What stench?" He sniffed the air. "It smells fine."

"The smoke. It's awful. It smells like death, and pain." I shuddered, rubbing my side, where I had a scar. A painful reminder of my kidnapping.

"It ain't any different from home." he drawled, "Ya just need to suck it up."

"We have Pures." I said, "Trees that filter the air, making it cleaner. I feel bad for the four that are with you, having to breathe the smoke." I shuddered. "You'll definitely need a detoxification from Elwin."

"Dex!" Keefe shouted, "Dexter Alvin Dizznee! Wake up! Get your brain back in your skull!"

"What?" I asked.

"You blanked out on us." Keefe said, "So, are we going to prank them?"

"No." I said, "We should be nice, and welcome them."

"You guys are no fun." he whined, "If Foster was here, she'd let me prank them."

"No she wouldn't." Biana protested, "Dex, what were you thinking about, that had you so spaced out?"

"My dream last night." I said.

"With a greaser?" Biana and Keefe said at the same time.

"You too?" We were all speaking at the same time.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now