Chapter 59 - Dally

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"We gotta see him." I said to the doctor. I felt Tess pressing her blade into my hand. I open it, and point it at the doctor.

"You can see him, but it's because you're his friends, not because of that knife." the doctor said, "Just like those other people."

I entered the room with Tess, Alyssa, and Pony.

"Sophie." Tess breathed, emotion shining in her eyes.

"Johnnycakes?" I whispered, feeling a tear trail down my cheek. I shouldn't have let anyone get close to me. They always leave.

"He's not doing good." Sophie whispered, "Fitz, his mind..." Is he going crazy?

"It's breaking, isn't it?" Fitz asked, his teal eyes shimmering with tears. "Just like Alden." Alden, where have I heard that name before? I know I've heard it, I know it.

Johnny screamed, clutching his head. Johnnycakes, what's wrong? I want to say that, I want to say something, but it gets stuck in my throat.

"And, it's broken." Tam whispered. Broken? What's broken? Is he gonna die?

"Tam!" Sophie scolded, "Show some consideration."

"I'll show some consideration, when he shows some for us." Tam glared at me, and his shadow slunk towards me. I glared back at him.

"Tam." Sophie said, "Stop it with the shadows. You need to save your strength, and lift the shadowvapor from his mind."

"I know. Don't worry." Tam muttered, "Dallas Winston needs to get out of here, before I strangle him."

"I need to see your memories, find the ones that can help heal Johnny." Sophie whispered, "Pony, let's start with you, before you collapse from exhaustion or something."

"'kay." he said, swaying slightly. What's wrong with him? He shouldn't have gone to the rumble.


Sophie put her fingers on Pony's temples, and closed her eyes.

"What's she doing?" Tess whispered.

"She's searching for memories that can help bring Johnny back." Fitz whispered, "With my dad, and Prentice, she already had her own memories, and memories of people close to them, but with Johnny, she doesn't have that. So, she needs to find some that she can use."

"Okay." Tess whispered. I need to find out who Alden is. I need to.

"Alright." Sophie said, "Let's do this."

"What if it doesn't work?" Tess whispered.

"Then we'll find more memories." Sophie said, "I should tell Linh to get the gang over here."

"I can do it." Fitz said, "I've been practicing transmitting long distances."

"Alright." Sophie said, "Go ahead." He closes his eyes, and lines appear across his face, from concentrating.

"Alyssa, I'll need some of your memories, too."

"I just met him." Alyssa whispered, "What if there aren't any?"

"You love him, right?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, I do." she replied.

"Then there will be something." Sophie said confidently.

She pressed her fingers against Alyssa's temples. we waited in silence, until she pulled back.

"I'm going to try." Sophie whispered.

"Sophie!" Fitz shouted.

"What?" she asked.

"You can't." he whispered, "You're tired, and you could get trapped."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now