Chapter 60 - Biana

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I decided to wait until Keefe got here, before going to bed. What's the point of going to bed, than having to get up ten minutes later to open the gate?

"Biana?" Dex whispered.

"What?" I said, stifling a yawn.

"Can I sleep over?" he asked, "My parents are going to keep me up all night with questions about them, if I go home."

"Yeah, sure." I said sleepily. "Just don't be like Keefe, and try to prank someone."

"I know. That's Keefe, not me."

"Thanks. I hope Keefe gets here soon, so I can go to bed."

"Same room as last time?"

"Yep. Goodnight."

"You too." He flashed me a bright smile, before walking to "his" bedroom. He's been sleeping  over so often, we just call it "his."

Another ten minutes passed, before Keefe showed up.

"Hi, Keefe. How did Grady treat you?" I asked.

"He smashed mallowmelt into the Hair!" Keefe whined.

I shook my head. "You probably aggravated him."

"I might, or might not have thrown mallowmelt at his face." he said, smiling sheepishly.

"Keefe!" I scolded, "I know you have a strong friendship with Sophie, but you can't do that."

"Yeah, friendship." he muttered. He sounded sad, like he didn't want that with Sophie. I thought he got over his crush on her. Maybe I was wrong.

He slowly trudged up the stairs. He's been sleeping in the room across from Dex's.

"Goodnight, Keefe." I whispered, walking to my room.

"Goodnight Biana." he replied.

I was already in my pajamas, so I just needed to crawl into bed, before I could fall asleep. I did that, and pulled the covers up to my chin.

"Is this another one of those stupid dreams?" muttered a boy with brown hair and eyes. "God, I hate these. Goblin throwing star boy, I know you're here, come out!"

I wanted to stay hidden, but at the same time, I wanted to step out, and see who he was. He was much bigger than Johnny. He had to have been from either Dex or Keefe's dream. He said "another one of those stupid dreams." He didn't sound like Darry, but I wasn't sure.

"Hello?" I called out, seeing if he'd notice.

"Come out of the shadows." he growled, trying to spin towards my voice. He winced, and clutched his side, instead. I saw a pool of blood at his feet, slowly growing larger, as blood dripped from his side.

"Are you injured?" I asked, stepping out of the shadows. "What happened?"

"None of your business." he growled, "Who are you?"

"Biana." I whispered, "What did you mean by 'another one of those stupid dreams?'"

"Why do I have to get sucked into another one?" he asked, "Isn't one of these enough?"

"With who?" I asked.

"The blond punk, who wanted to know if I was a Pyrokinetic." He held up a necklace. "I lit a cancer stick with this, and he started getting curious."

"What is that?" I asked. How could he create fire, and not be a Pyrokinetic?

He pulls something out of his pocket, and a spark from his necklace lit it up. He stuck it in his mouth, and inhaled. When he exhaled, a ring of smoke came out of his mouth.

"See?" he asked, smirking. "That punk's stupid."

I didn't say anything. He had to be a Pyrokinetic. I vanished instead, running away from him.

"Hey!" he shouted, "Ya know, I can't run. I got shot multiple times, and I guess these dreams don't take away your injuries."

"What's your name?" I shouted back. Maybe, if he told me his name, I'd understand. His description of his first dream matched Dex, except Dex isn't a Pyrokinetic.

"Dallas Winston." he said, "I got a fuzz record that's a mile long, and I'm proud of it."

"Dex isn't a punk, he's an elf!" I stopped running, letting him get closer to me.

"Stop hiding, and we can solve this like normal people."

"I am normal." I whispered. I reappeared right in front of him.

"Whoa." he muttered, "Those eyes, just like-"

"Fitz's." I whispered, "How is he?"

"A brat. Spoiled. He wants Johnny to die."

"What?" I asked, shock numbing me. He can't, the guilt. It would break him.

"He thinks Sophie should wait until she's rested, to heal Johnny's mind." he muttered. "He'll die."

"He won't!"  I think of my dad. And Prentice. "He's alive, his conscious, it's tucked away. It hurts, to see loved ones like that, though. Catatonic, a blubbering, drooling mess. It's hard. Especially if it's the first time they aren't strong, and bold. Never cracking. Then suddenly, shattered into a million tiny pieces."

"He's not dying?" Dallas asked, "He'll live? Johnnycakes'll live?"

"Yes." I whispered.

"I'm dying. Or dead." he whispered, "What did I do?" He buried his face in his hands, letting blood seep faster, and faster.

"You won't die." I said, "You can't die. Not with the Panakes." 

"No one can survive that." Dallas muttered, "No one."

"You can." I whispered, "You have to believe. And you have to want it. You have to want to live. To see Johnny. And Tess."

"How do you know them?" Dallas looked ready to murder someone.

"I dreamed about them last night." I stayed calm. I couldn't let him see that I was scared. Terrified, even.

"Ya wanna cancer stick?" he asked, holding out a pack of the sticks he'd taken out earlier.

"No, thank you." I said, wrinkling my nose in disgust. "Those cause so much damage to your lungs. Elwin's going to have to spend a lot of time on your detox."

"Elwin? Detox?" Dallas asked.

"Elwin is a physician, and Sophie has him on standby." I replied, "He'll do a detox, once you get here. To rid your body of all the impurities of living in the Forbidden Cities."

"You're crazy." he muttered, "But Sophie mentioned having a physician. But who can do that? But who can vanish?" He started pacing, and muttering. "These wounds are making me crazy!" he yelled, before throwing his hands up in defeat. He screamed, than let loose a long string of cursing, clutching his side.

"You shouldn't have done that." I whispered, "When you wake up, you won't be in as much pain, hopefully."

"I doubt that." He muttered dryly. "It'll sting like hell when I wake up."

"You're an ornery person." I whispered.

"Yeah, so?" he growled.

A/N: Tell me what you think, and any characters' POVs you want to hear from!

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now