Chapter 64 - Sophie

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"Maria, come on. They'll take Dal to the hospital, and put him in surgery." Tess said, "He'd want you to go home."

"Okay." she whispered, her face blank.

"I'll get him." Darry whispered, gently scooping Pony's limp body up, and cradling his limp body close to his chest.

"Not getting in that." Linh said, pointing at Darry's beat up truck.

"I'll meet y'all at home." Alyssa said, "I want to stay with you, Sophie." I was pleased that she'd want to stay with me.

"This'll be a good learning opportunity." I said, "There's mental energy, and there's physical energy."

"Mental energy's like your willpower, right?" Alyssa asked.

"Yes, it is." Linh said, "If you can channel your mental energy, and change it into physical energy, pushing it into the limbs you want to strengthen, those limbs will become more powerful."

"Exactly." Tam muttered, "Skills over abilities."

"But," Linh prompted.

"I'm pointing out that you shouldn't forget about skills. Abilities are important, but don't forget skills. Skills kept Dallas from dying. Skills prevented us from tripping in the dark. Skills kept us from feeling the hunger pangs. Skills shouldn't be forgotten." Tam levitated a couple inches off the ground.

"We get the point, Tam." Fitz said.

"Skills allowed Biana to bump her brother into the wall, when it was her turn to use telekinesis!" Tam shouted, as he took off, channeling.

"That is what you can do, if you're good at channeling." I said, "Try."

"Alright." Alyssa whispered.

"Take a deep breath." Linh said, "Focus on the mental energy. Is it humming, almost? Can you feel it, vibrating, pulsing, ready to be used?"

"Yes." Alyssa whispered, "I can feel it."

"Use it." Fitz whispered. "Shove it out of your mind, and into your legs."

I saw her eyes, the moment it clicked. They brightened, and she took off running.

"Let's go!" Sophie shouted, smiling.

Linh started running, and I took off after her, with Fitz not far behind. I saw Linh catch up to Tam, and jump on his back. I could hear them arguing, before Tam started running with Linh on his back.

I kept pushing the mental energy into my legs, pushing my limits. I catch up to Alyssa, and slow down slightly.

"Hey." she gasped, "This is so cool."

"I know." I replied, "You can use it to do other things, like lifting heavy objects. Or you could you telekinesis."

We reached the Curtis' house, and Darry's truck was already there. I heard Steve grunt. Tess had walked in quietly.

"Humph." Steve said, "You dig okay. Much better than him." I imagine he's glaring at Tam. They aren't getting along well.

"Hey." Alyssa said, bursting in the door. "Channeling is cool."

"You have some raw talent." Fitz said running up behind her., "It took me a lot longer to get to that level."

"Wow, someone's outshone Wonderboy." Tam drawled.

"I did too." I said, entering the house. "I manifested at the age of five."

"We know that." Tam said, "The more ways he gets outshone, the better."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now