Chapter 23 - Steve

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"We have to find them!"

"Where could they be?"

"How did they disappear?" I asked. It was mayhem. When we woke up, Sophie, Linh, Tam, and Fitz were gone. They didn't leave a single clue behind.

"Sophie and Linh are my kid sisters!" That was Soda. He always opens his heart. And I'm left to pick up the pieces after they break it. I wish he'd stop trying to find love.

"They're all our kid sisters." Darry said.

"Hey, what's up?" Fitz said, as he walked in with Tam. Where did the girls go?

"Where were you?"

"Where's Sophie?"

"Where's Linh?" I shouted.

"They're with Dallas." Tam said, "If either of them come back with a scratch, I'll kill him."

"What happened?" Darry asked, pointing to their jaws. They both had large bruises.

"We got jumped." Fitz said, "Tam scared them off."

"They are so going to hell." Tam muttered.

"What exactly did you do?" Darry asked.

"This." Tam said, as the shadows hid him. Then he shouted, "You have harmed my friends, and my allies! For that, you will go to hell!" Somehow, he made his voice real deep.

"Cool!" Two-Bit shouted.

"That would make the Socs run." I said.

"Ya sure it wouldn't make you run?" Soda teased, "Ya looked like ya were about to pee your pants."

"Brant and Fintan also have that effect." Fitz muttered.

"Brant's dead. You're such a worrier." Tam groaned.

"Brant scarred them!" Fitz shouted, "Fintan killed Councillor Kenric! He also burned down Eternalia! He started Everblaze and got his ability banished! Marella has to be labeled as Talentless!" Whoa. That kid has some serious problems. All this death.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down. People die. Maybe he died too soon, but it's a part of life." Darry said.

"Um, about that. You see, Fintan's a couple thousand years old. So's Councillor Bronte." Tam said.

"Couple thousand?" I am in disbelief. I can't imagine where I'll be in twenty years, let alone thousands.



"Calla was at least four thousand years old, before she sacrificed herself." Fitz whispered. That led to a whole new round of questions. They did their best to answer all the questions, before we thought of more. By the time we got all our questions answered, it was noon.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now