Chapter 93 - Jenny

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"Jenny, angel, ya gotta get ready for school now." Two murmured into my ear. I sleepily rolled towards him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, if ya don't get to school, I'll skin ya." he said jokingly.

"Really? I thought you loved me." I said, faking tears.

"Aw, Jenny. I was just joking!" he exclaimed, upset on his face as he moved to hug me. I grabbed his arm, and punched him in the chest.

"That's for falling for it!" I said, laughing.

"Jenny, that ain't funny." he whined.

"Yet you fall for it every time." I said.

"But, really. You gotta get ready for school. I've gotta get ya there in half an hour." he said, glancing at the clock.

"Okay, Mickey. I'll be ready." I said, throwing on a sweatshirt and jeans. "What's for breakfast?"

"Chocolate cake!" he said excitedly.

"Two-Bit, make sure she gets to school safely." Darry warned, heading out the door.

"I know, Darry. I've been taking care of her for a long time." Two said, "I know what I'm doing."

"Good." I said, taking a bite of the cake. I nearly spit it out, gagging on the sweetness. "Ew. This is really sweet."

"Oh, sorry. I should've warned ya. That's Sodapop's cake. He always makes the icing real sweet." Two said, "After a while, you get kinda numb to it."

"Okay." I said hesitantly. I decided to not finish it, and eat a larger lunch. As long as Trent Sheldon doesn't steal it. He's been bullying me for years, threatening to send his brother after Two-Bit if I tell anybody. I put up with it because he knows too much about my brother for him to be safe.

"You don't want it?" Two asked, "Can I have it?"

"Here. Take it." I handed the cake to Two, and got into his car. A couple other people got in. I knew they were Two's friends, but I couldn't match their faces to names.

"Hi, Jenny." one of the said. She had brown hair and eyes, and looked tuff, but gentle. "I'm Maria."

"Hi." I said shyly.

"You like school?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's fun." I said, "Except when I have to do group work. There's nobody there who's nice, and works hard." I frowned.

"Oh, I had that same problem, until I scared them into that role." Maria said, pulling out her switch, and casually flicking it open. "If you're confident, and don't let anyone push you around, you'll be good." She put her switch away, and grinned. It was real pretty, lighting up her whole face like that.

"Okay." I said, unsure of how to do that. I'm one of the smallest people in my grade. I couldn't scare anybody, especially with Trent bullying me.

"Jenny, we're here." Two-Bit said cheerfully, stopping the car so I could get out.

"Bye, Two." I said, "Don't forget about me."

"I won't, kid. Bye." He grinned, before slamming on the gas pedal, and zooming away.

"Well, well, well." I heard an ominous voice, and whipped my head towards it. Trent. With his two goons. "What is this? A lonely little greaser, with no one to help her. How sad."

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to glare at him. I couldn't, and ended up cowering at his feet.

"Give me your lunch money." he growled, holding out his hand. I don't understand why he wants mine. He's a Soc. He gets everything.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now