Chapter 82 - Dex

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"Does Tess like makeovers?" Biana asked.

"She only likes them before a rumble." I said, thinking of the spunky girl. "Tess seems more of a tomboy. I don't think she'll like these clothes." I don't think most of these greasers would

"Well, I'll dare her into a makeover." Biana smiled. I knew she was thinking of the different outfits she could put on Tess.

"Okay." I said.

"I am so daring Two-Bit to prank Master Cadence!" Keefe smirked, "Effluxers. And Lady Cadence. This is going to be so much fun." By fun, he means a huge headache. He won't accept any of the blame. He'll force us to clean up his mess.

"No pranks!" Biana shouted, "Only for Slurps and Burps! Not at Foxfire!"

"Aw, it'll be Two-Bit, that gets caught. If he gets caught." Keefe whined.

"No." I said, "Just no."

"Aw, please?" Keefe asked.

"No!" Biana and I shouted at the same time.

"I bet Two-Bit won't get caught." Keefe said.

"What do you bet?" I asked.

"If I win, you dye your hair green, and leave it green for a week." Keefe smirked.

"And if I win, you go through one of Biana's makeovers, and follow her instructions for clothes, and stuff, for a week." I smirked at Keefe's face. He was horrified that I'd pick that. He couldn't back out. He'd look like a wimp if he did.

"Deal." Keefe held out his hand.

"Deal." I shook Keefe's hand, and smirked. "May the best win." I whispered, "Obviously me." I purposely made it just loud enough for Keefe to hear.

"Dude, you are so going down!" he shouted.

"You're both crazy." Biana muttered, shaking her head.

"They're both crazy." Ro interrupted from the end of the hall. "If you want to not get caught, get me to do it. Who wants to mess with the ogre princess?" Her eyes glittered with fierceness, daring anyone to cross her. I sure wouldn't want to. Her blades could do some serious damage.

"Oh, yeah!" Keefe said, his eyes glinting. "If I give you some effluxers, could you place them so Master Cadence would trigger them?"

"Sure." Ro grinned, "I've got nothing better to do. This place is too fancy. Glittery." She shuddered. "Ugh, I do not like this at all."

"I think it's fine." I said. I wasn't particularly into it, but I just felt like I needed to defend it.

"Nothing against anyone, it's just not my style." Ro said, flipping her ash colored hair.

"It's fine." Biana said. I could tell she wanted to prevent arguments. Her teal eyes were worried. About us.

"Cool. Glad we got through that." Ro said, "Keefe, your father wants to apologize, and for you to come home. I don't care, one way or the other. Waves of Wimpiness, or Crystallized Castle of Cowardice, I don't care."

"I'm not a coward!" Biana protested.

"Well, whoever chose the gate is." Ro said.

"I chose it for privacy, not because I'm a coward." said Alden. I might have forgiven him, but he wasn't anywhere near my top ten favorite people.

"I say it's because you're a coward." Ro said.

"Dad, you can't win." Biana said.

"I can see that." he said, smiling.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now