Chapter 86 - Tam

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"Line up!" shouted the gym teacher, "Randy, you can be captain, and how about..." His eyes searched the crowd. "Keith, you can be the other captain." I knew Two-Bit would play even harder, just because he was called 'Keith.' I felt the same way, every time someone used my last name.

Randy got first pick. "Carson." He was muscled, and had the look of someone who'd jump greasers for sure. The shadowvapor confirmed it.

"Tess." Two-Bit said. His eyes glimmered. I knew that Tess could kick all of the Socs' asses, and not break a sweat. She was by far the strongest person in this room. But I'm second.

"Why would you choose a girl first?" shouted Carson, "You wasted your first pick." He used it to his advantage, actually.

"Why do you care?" Tess spat, "Wouldn't it be easier for you, if your team got the better players? Also, just because I'm a girl, does not mean I can't be good at football." So true, for her, at least.

Carson didn't have a comeback to that, so Randy picked Rob.

"Tam." Two said. I smirked, and flicked my wrist, so the shadows grew slightly, making us seem more ominous. Linh noticed, and glared at me, but I ignored her. They continued to pick names, until it was just a Soc and Alyssa. He didn't look like the type to play football, and Alyssa is a greaser. I knew she didn't try that hard. Not until this time.

Randy hesitated. He knew either way, it would be bad. No matter who he'd pick, he'd lose something. "Harrison." he said. He tried to make eye contact with Alyssa, but she refused to look him in the eye.

"Alyssa." Two said, his eyes dull. He smiled at Alyssa, sadness tinging it. We'll make Randy regret it. We'll make sure he regrets it, if it's the last thing he does. I'll make sure of it. I'll be a Shade being shady.

The gym teacher started the game, and Alyssa caught the ball that Tess threw.

"Go, go, go!" Two shouted. Alyssa ran, faster than all the Socs, and made it to the end zone.

"Touchdown!" shouted the greasers. Two-Bit was the loudest, due to all the chocolate cake he had eaten this morning.

The game continued, the Socs always getting tackled by us, and their throws were always off. I had a big part in their throws. Telekinesis had always been one of my strengths, and now I got to use it, without scorn. Skills over abilities.

The bell rang, and we started walking to our next classes.

"What do you have?" Tess asked.

"History, with Ms. Combs." Linh said.

"Ouch." Johnny said, "She's awful. Evelyn's in her class this period. You'll have her."

"Joy." I muttered, sarcasm dripping out of the single word.

"Wait." Two-Bit said, "Where's Alyssa?"

"On it." Tess said, closing her eyes. I knew she was opening her thoughts, and searching for Alyssa's.

"How could I let that happen?" Johnny moaned.

"It ain't your fault, Johnnycakes." Tess whispered, hugging him.

"Yeah, what she said." Pony added, shrugging. "Why does she always think of what I was gonna say, and why does she say it before me?" he asked.

"Kid sister superpower." Tess said, grinning.

"I think it's the magic of being Tess." Johnny said.

I heard Randy scream, "You rigged it!" I turned, and saw Randy, his fist raised to hit Alyssa square in the face. I was drained from the football game, everyone was, but Alyssa was about to get really hurt, if we didn't stop it.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now