Chapter 4 - Fitz

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When I woke up, I had a burning need to tell Sophie my biggest secret. I light leaped to Havenfield right after I changed and brushed my teeth.

"Hi Edaline. Hi Grady. Is Sophie here?" I asked.

"I think she's still outside. She slept under Calla's tree last night. I think she's still out there." Edaline said. She leaned in and cupped her hand around her mouth.

"I really hope that you and Sophie become a couple, but if not, I hope you'll still come over here a lot. You're a really nice boy."

"T-thanks." I stammered, blushing bright red.

"Go on. Go find Sophie." she said, shooing me away. I turn and walk out towards the pastures, admiring the many different animals. I spot Sophie sleeping under Calla's tree. I still miss Calla. She sacrificed herself to save so many other gnomes. The blossoms can heal pretty much anything. Sophie is so pretty, even with bedhead. I gently shake her.

"H-hello Fitz." she stammered.

"Sophie, I'm ready to tell you my biggest secret." I said, trying not to let my voice shake.

"Okay. I think I'm ready to tell you mine." Sophie said. I can see that she's nervous, but trying to hide it.

"My biggest secret is I've had a crush on you ever since I saw you at the museum." I blurted out. I can see the shock on her face. Is she going to hate me now? Did I ruin our chances at becoming Cognates?

"My biggest secret is I've had a crush on you since the museum as well." she whispered, blushing madly.

"You have?" we said at the same time.

"Foster, your emotions are spiking oddly. I can feel them from all the way back there. Fitzie, what did you do?" Keefe said, as walked over. I was fuming. I know, Keefe's my best friend, but he always manages to ruin the moment.

"Nothing." I said.

"I know you did something." Keefe said. Why does Keefe have to be able to feel Sophie's emotions through the air? It's going to make it really hard to hide the fact that we've had crushes on each other since we met at the museum.

"Nu-uh. You're hiding something." Keefe said.

Let's tell him about the Outsiders. Sophie transmitted.

Okay, but what about Dex's time travel machine? I asked.

Let's just tell him about both. It's probably more believable.

"I couldn't stop thinking about this human book that I read. It's called The Outsiders. It's based on a true story. It's really sad, because two characters die. If we had still been allowed to assist them, neither of them would've died. Elvin medicine could've saved them both. I translated it into runes, and let Biana read it. She gave it to Dex to read. She also asked Dex to build a time travel machine so we could go back in time and save them." Sophie said.

"Wow. That explains the fluctuating emotions." Keefe said, "When were you planning on telling me?"

"Today. All of that happened yesterday." Sophie said.

"As long as I was going to be told. Please tell me you're not telling Bangs Boy about this."

"I was. Linh is an amazing asset, and Tam won't let her go alone."

"The church fire." I whispered.

"Exactly. I'm not sure if we can prevent them from running, but we can put out the fire." Sophie said.

"Whoa, whoa , whoa. What fire? Also, what's a church?" Keefe said, waving his hands.

"A church is a building where people go to worship. At least, Christians. Well, most Christians. This church is old and abandoned. Read the book to find out what fire we're talking about." Sophie said.

"Well, then where's the book?"

"Biana or Dex have it. I'm not sure if Biana took it back after giving it to Dex." I said.

"Okay. I'll start with Dex. I want to see the time machine." Keefe said.

"I'm not sure what stage he's at with the time machine, but you can look." Sophie said.

"Alright, anyways, bye." Keefe ran towards Havenfield and up the stairs.

"I think I speak for both of us, when I say that was close." I said.

"Oh yeah. Keefe would be merciless with his teasing, and he'd probably bring Dex into it as well."

"Yeah. He would." Biana hailed me on my Imparter. I pulled out the sleek gadget.

"Hey, what's up Biana?"

"Where are you Fitz?"

"Havenfield. Why?"

"It's just that I would like to see my favorite brother and spend some time with him."

"Sorry. I had to tell Sophie something. Then, Keefe came over. He knows about the Outsiders, and Dex's time travel machine."

"Okay. Hey, Sophie, when are we going to tell Linh and Tam? I don't really think we should tell Marella though. She's been kind of distant lately."

"Hi Biana. I was thinking the five of us go see them today and tell them. I agree with you about Marella though." Sophie said.

"Okay. I'll meet you there. I can get Dex as well."

"Keefe'll probably be there as well. He wanted to get the book, so that he could be in the loop."

"Alright. I'll get them both." Biana disconnected.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Sophie said.

"Um, you have bedhead, and those are yesterday's clothes. Are you sure you're ready to go?"

"Oops." She was bright red. "Give me five minutes, and I'll be ready to go."

"Alright." Five minutes later, she comes down, and she looks stunning. She's wearing a white tunic and teal leggings. Her hair is in some twisty braid.

"You look gorgeous, Sophie." I said.

"Thanks." She blushed again. She just can't accept a compliment. I don't get it. Maybe it's her human upbringing.

"Let's go." When we get to Linh and Tam's home, Biana, Dex, and Keefe are already there.

"Hey guys." Sophie said.

"That outfit looks great on you." Biana said.

"Hey Foster. Couldn't get enough of me, could you? Oh, and I finished the journal. You're right. We have to save them." Keefe said.

"How's the time machine going?" I asked.

"It's going good."

"Cool." I knock on the door. Tam opens it.

"Hey guys. What's up?" he says, shaking his silver bangs out of his face.

"Read this journal." Sophie said, handing him the journal.

"Okay. Can Linh read it?"

"Yes, have her read it. After, think about this question: If you could go back in time and save them, would you?" Sophie said, "Hail us when you've decided."

"Um, okay. You guys are acting very weird, but okay. I'll make sure that Linh reads this too. Is this something you don't want the Black Swan to know about?"

"No, maybe later, but not yet." Sophie said. We leaped away.

A/N: Fitz is so dreamy

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A/N: Fitz is so dreamy. Look at his eyes.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now