Chapter 14 - Dex

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"We'll need to cut off your registry pendants." Mr. Forkle said, as he cut off all of their registry pendants.

"Is our hair and clothes okay?" Linh asked. She wrapped the silver ends of her hair around her finger. From what I could tell when I read the book, they don't dye their hair silver in 1965.

"The hair is fine. There's nothing you can do about the clothes, because 1965 is very different from present day. Also, leather is basically cow skin, so I wouldn't wear it. Here are a couple Elvin remedies. Only for emergency use." He held out a small bag filled with various remedies. I knew a bunch of them because they came from my dad's store, Slurps and Burps.

"Thanks." Sophie said.

"Ew. The poor cows." Linh said. I think it's gross too. That's one part I'm glad that I don't have to experience.

"You should go. Keep your home crystals safe. You'll need them to get home." Mr. Forkle warned as Sophie held up the crystal that would take them to Tulsa, Oklahoma and they glittered away into the light.

"This just got real." Keefe said, "Like realer than when they got their registry pendants cut off."

"I know. I'll miss them." Biana said.

"Don't worry they'll be fine. Sophie's so strong." I wrapped my arms around her. Her hair smelled nice, like flowers, and maybe peaches. I could see the tears welling up in her teal eyes. Maybe I should stop hating the Vackers so much. They're not as perfect as I thought they were. Biana just watched her brother leave for 1965 without her, as well as the first friend she's had that didn't just want to get close to Fitz.

"Dex, thank you." Biana whispered.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. We're friends, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're friends." Did she sound wistful when she said 'friends,' like she wanted us to be something else? Or am I imagining things?

"I'm sorry for hating you and your family." I whispered, "I hope you can forgive me."

"I understand your reasons. You're right. It's not fair, and my family's basically ignored you. I'm sorry." She looked so upset.

"Let's put this in our past. We forgive each other. We can be happy and not weighed down by our pasts."

"Ugh. Stop be all lovey dovey!" Keefe shouted, while making gagging sounds. Biana turned bright red, before she vanished, and I'm sure I must've been just as red. "Hey! Forklenator! So the gang'll come back. Then what?"

"Well, you'll take on one or two of them and teach them how to be an elf. It might be helpful to tell them not to bring bottled light from unmapped stars to Foxfire, as well as proper starlight bottling procedures. As well as just how to be an elf." Mr. Forkle said. I winced, remembering the burns Sophie suffered when we had been working on our Universe homework. Luckily, Elwin was kind enough to pay her a house call, and heal her burns so completely, there wasn't even a scar. Sophie's my best friend. We've been through so much together. The seven of us have.

"I want Dally! And Two-Bit! I'll take on two. We will come up with the best pranks EVER! I can start dreaming about all of the different pr-" Keefe said.

"No. I was hoping to assign you based on your abilities. That way you can teach them a little background information on the abilities." Mr. Forkle interrupted.

"My plan sounds way better, but Foster can decide. She's the moonlark after all." Keefe replied.

"Miss Foster has been notified of the plan, and she agreed." Mr. Forkle countered, "However, if you would like, you could take on four of them. The two Empaths, plus the two you really want to meet."

"Yes! I'll do that. Imagine the pranks five elves can do. Especially when they have me." Keefe shouted. Oh, boy. This is going to lead to big trouble.

"Keefe, that doesn't sound smart, but then again, you're not exactly known for your brains." Biana said.

"More like your pranks." I muttered. I think Keefe's fine, but I hope Biana doesn't fall for him. He'll break her heart. I know it. He's too hung up on Sophie to try to not break Biana's heart. I want Biana to fall for me. I love her. It's not a crush, like the one I had on Sophie. I'm completely in love with Biana. I don't know if she'll ever reciprocate my feelings, but I'll always be there for her.

"Dex, you okay?" Biana asked, "You were pretty deep in thought."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about them. Even Wonderboy." I replied. I don't hate the Vackers, but I'm still calling Fitz Wonderboy. It fits. He's the second youngest Telepath to manifest.

"Some things never change." Biana whispered. She was smiling though, so I knew she wasn't insulted.

"Like the Hair." Keefe interjected, "If Tam ever insults the Hair again, he better be prepared for major pranking."

"There will not be any pranking at all." Mr. Forkle stated, "We should try to prepare for the new elves."

"The Hair, must never be insulted. Ever." Keefe said, "That is the first ground rule of living with these elves. This is one of those rules that cannot be broken, even if I do like to break rules."

"Keefe, we have to prepare." I said, "Let's go."

"I'll go with you." Biana said.

"We have to rig my dad's store, so the stuffy nobles, like your dad, will be pranked." I said. I hate the stuffy nobles, like Lord Cassius, and the Heks. They look down on me and my family, just because my dad is Talentless. It sucks, but our apothecary is the best supplied, so the stuffy nobles put up with it to get their elixirs.

"Yes! Pranks!" Keefe shouted.

"I must go." Mr. Forkle said. He held up a many faceted crystal and glittered away.

"Let's go prank all the nobles. Maybe even my dad! That would be awesome!" Keefe really doesn't get along with his dad. He always is on Keefe's case, about something.

"Keefe, I don't think you mean all the nobles. My parents aren't stuffy. Grady and Edaline aren't stuffy. Sir Tiergan and Magnate Leto aren't stuffy. Livvy isn't stuffy. In fact, she is totally supportive of the wackiness of the store. But yes, the Heks and your dad are totally on the stuffy nobles to be pranked list." Biana said. She's so kindhearted.

"Whatever. Let's get pranking!" Keefe shouted, as he raced down to get a project from my dad.

"There's no stopping him." Biana said. Her eyes twinkled. They're so captivating. I love them.

 I love them

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The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now