Chapter 20 - Sophie

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"Dallas Winston!" I shouted, "We'll come with you, whether you like it or not! If you don't bring us, you'll be sorry! You'll wish you brought us!" I was fed up with his stubbornness. He refused to let us go with him to get Johnny, Tess, Pony, Evelyn, and Maria. Linh was currently dumping water on him constantly.

"No way! That would ruin the secrecy." Dallas shot back. "Plus, I don't know if I can trust you."

"They're at the church in Windrixville." I said. I didn't care if he thought that was suspicious, I had to go. Linh had to go. "I've known for a week."

"Fine. You two only." Dallas pointed at Linh and me. Fitz and Tam looked really mad.

"If they come back with a scratch..." Tam threatened. The shadows grew thicker.

"Deal." I said, "You won't regret it. Linh, come on." Linh and I followed Dallas to a car. I heard Linh suck in a gasp.

"Yeah, she's a beauty, ain't she. But this ain't mine, it's Buck's." Dallas said, mistaking Linh's gasp for one of awe. I knew she was scared. I squeezed her hand.

"Not too fast." I said.

"Well, fast is the only speed I got." Dallas said, "Take it. Or leave it."

"Fine." I said.

It'll be okay. I transmitted.

Mr. Forkle was complaining about cars in the twenty-first century. How will they be in 1965? Linh thought.

"Hurry up." Dallas ordered. We get in the car. With every mile, Linh gets paler and paler.

Don't worry. I transmitted. Dallas may be reckless, but he won't crash. Linh nodded.

"Alright, here we are." Dallas said, "Wait here."

"So, here we are." Linh whispered.

"You should probably start collecting water." I replied, "Can you hold it for a while? Dallas will take us to breakfast."

"I think so." Linh said.

"You can always take my hand." I said.

"I know."

"Hey! Sleeping beauty, wake up!" Dallas shouted, shaking a boy with reddish brown hair. We're standing near the door, so we watch as a girl with the same reddish brown hair whips out a switch and holds it to his throat.

"Hey! Tess, it's just me! I ain't gonna kill you. No need for that!" Dallas said, laughing at the embarrassment on her face.

"Sorry Dal, I guess I was a little jumpy. I didn't mean to." Tess said.

"No worries. Hey, Blondie! I gotta letter for you!" Dallas waved a folded piece of paper in the boy's face.

"A letter? Who from?" asked the boy.

The President, of course, stupid. It's from Soda." Dallas said, "He wrote a bit to you too, Tess."

"Soda?" Tess said. "But how did he know?"

"He came over to Buck's a couple of day ago and found your flannel, Pony. I told him I didn't know where y'all were, but he didn't believe me. He gave me half his paycheck to get this letter to y'all. Kid, you ought to see Darry. He's takin' this mighty hard." Dallas said. Tess leaned over Pony's shoulder. I watched them read the letter.

"Soda's spelling could be improved, but then it wouldn't be Soda." Tess said, breaking the silence. Her eyes were glassy.

"Yeah, it could." Pony agreed.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now