Chapter 22 - Fitz

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"Hey." I whispered to Sophie. She's so cute when she's asleep. She looks more vulnerable. Less hardened by the Neverseen.

"Hey, yourself." Sophie replied. She sat up and pecked me on the cheek. "We have to find Dallas. Get Linh and Tam." I rolled off the bed, and went to the room Linh and Tam were sharing.

"Hey, guys? Sophie said that Dallas would be leaving soon, so we need to get him." I said, as I knocked on the door.

"We're almost ready. Linh's just doing her makeup." Tam said, as he opened the door.

"You spend a lot of time on your hair!" Linh said, as a blob of water splashed onto Tam's hair.

"Dry it out." Tam said, as the shadows swirled around us.

"I'm done with my makeup." Linh said. She didn't look like she had any makeup on at all.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Sophie asked, as she came out of her room. She kept her Sucker Punch, Panic Switch, and crest on, but her cape was noticeably absent. None of us wore capes. I thought they were slightly annoying, plus, we were supposed to blend in. We all just pinned our crests to our shirts. We all walked to Buck's, to try to find Dallas.

"Is Dallas here?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, why?" Buck asked.

"Tell him Sophie, Fitz, Tam, and Linh are here." she said. Buck turned, and walked inside, to get Dallas. Dallas came out a few minutes later.

"What do you want? I'm busy." he snarled.

"Take us with you. We know you're going to get Johnny, Tess, Evelyn, and Pony." Sophie said.

"How'd you know?" Dallas looked slightly frightened, and very annoyed. "I ain't gonna bring no one!"

"That's a double negative. You are going to bring someone." I said.

"I ain't gonna bring y'all!" Dallas shouted, "Why are y'all so annoying!"

"Dallas Winston!" Sophie shouted, "We'll come with you, whether you like it or not! If you don't bring us, you'll be sorry! You'll wish you brought us!" I was fed up with him and his ego. If he doesn't bring us, people will die.

"No way! That would ruin the secrecy." Dallas shot back. "Plus, I don't know if I can trust you."

"They're at the church in Windrixville." Sophie said. Linh had to go. She had to be able to stop the fire. "I've known for a week."

"Fine. You two only." Dallas pointed at Linh and Sophie. I was furious. Tam looked like he wanted to kill him.

"If they come back with a scratch..." Tam threatened. The shadows grew and swirled around Dallas. He left the threat unfinished.

"Deal." Sophie said, "You won't regret it. Linh, come on." Linh and Sophie followed Dallas to a car. If I remember the story correctly, that's Buck's T-bird. Linh looked really scared as she gasped.

"Yeah, she's a beauty, ain't she. But this ain't mine, it's Buck's." Dallas said.. I knew she was scared. I saw Sophie take Linh's hand. They got into the car. Sophie held up the pouch.

I have the remedies. she transmitted.

You can transmit halfway around the world. A couple towns over, is nothing. I'm here if you need me. I replied

"I will personally kill Dallas if Linh, or Sophie, come back with a scratch." Tam muttered, "I don't care about the guilt. I doubt I'll feel any remorse." The shadows swirled and thickened. As we were walking back, a blue Mustang pulled up behind us.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now