Chapter 73 - Two-Bit

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"Dinner's ready!" Darry shouted, "Soda! Tess! Pony! Come help!"

"Sure thing, Muscles!" Tess shouted back, walking to the kitchen. Pony followed her in.

"Hurry up Sodapop!" Darry yelled, "Pony and Tess are already here!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" Soda called back. They helped Darry set the table, then we all sat down.

"Vegetarian. Non-vegetarian." Darry pointed to the various dishes on the table. There was chicken, a salad, and potatoes. Salad is gross.

"I'll get the chocolate milk." Tess said, filling Soda's empty glass with chocolate milk. Johnny, who was sitting next to Sodapop, leaned over, and whispered something in Soda's ear. I knew it had to do with Truth or Dare.

"Fine." Soda muttered, before taking a big sip of chocolate milk. He then spat it all over Darry, who was on his other side. I was laughing, but I kept it to myself. I didn't want to get on Muscles' bad side. He was real scary, when he wanted to be.

"What the hell, Sodapop!" Darry screamed, "Why would you do that?"

"I dunno. I just did." Soda shrugged nonchalantly.

"That's not an acceptable answer!" I thought Darry was gonna explode, from all the fury in his eyes. The blue green pieces of ice were blazing.

"I'm sorry, Darry." Soda looked so ashamed, so down. I felt bad for him.

"It's okay. I forgive you." Darry said, hugging him.

"Ew, chocolate milk!" Soda yelled, "It's in my hair!"

"That's what you get, for spitting it on me." Darry said sternly.

"Still, it ain't fair." Soda whined.

"Life isn't fair." Tam spoke up from the dark corner of the room.

"Tam, get out of there, and come eat." Linh said.

"Fine." Tam muttered, shuffling his feet, as he made his way to his seat.

"Darry, I'm gonna head home." I said, "My sister, I don't wanna leave her alone. Just in case." I chugged the rest of my chocolate milk, grabbed my jacket, and ran out the door. Our mom's fine, but her boyfriends are a different story. They're not good men, and I don't want to leave my sister home to deal with them. Mom will always take their side. That's just how she is.

I ran all the way home, my thoughts filled with my sister.

"Jenny!" I shouted, letting the door slam behind me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." she whispered, running up to me, and hugging me with all the strength her skinny eleven year old arms could muster.

"Hey, kid." I whispered, hugging her back. "How are you?"

"Mom's here, but no boyfriend." she whispered.

I stroked her hair. "Good." I walked upstairs to my room.

"Can I sleep with you?" she asked, "I don't want to be alone." Her face was scared, of what could happen. If she was alone.

"Sure." I held my arms out, and she ran into them. I pulled the covers over us both. Jenny had no problem falling asleep. Sleep evaded me, though. Jenny was pure. Untainted by the Socs. And even the greasers. She deserves a better life. She'd get along with the gang, especially Tess. They both had spunk. I didn't want her to be tainted by this. The rivalry.

With that thought, I felt sleep overcome me.


"Two-Bit, wake up." Jenny shook me, but sleep was so much more powerful. "Two, come on. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Keith! Wake up!" That did it.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now