Chapter 88 - Linh

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"I'm sure Randy couldn't have done anything." Mr. Hollister said, trying to get Tess to calm down. I knew if she didn't, things would get messy.

"Think again." Tess spat, "He held Johnny down, while Bob Sheldon beat him, and gave him that scar. He made Johnny scared of his own shadow, and he got off scot-free." I feel so bad for Johnny. I hope we can help him regain his confidence, once we get him to the Lost Cities. There won't be Socs lurking around every corner.

"He lied to me for fourteen years." Alyssa said, starting softly, but getting stronger as she went on. "He hurt my family for fourteen years. He scarred my brother. He didn't get any punishment. He deserves punishment." He deserves it, but he probably wouldn't get any. Life isn't fair, and you have to keep pushing.

"Now, are you sure it was him?" Mr. Hollister asked. I couldn't believe he was defending Randy, after what they said. He seems like the type of person, who just wants to get whatever they can from other people. He doesn't seem fair.

"Yes!" we all shouted.

"Man, if you saw what Randy's done, you'd drop your defense faster than Dal can draw his switch. And man, is he fast." Tess drawled, sounding just like Dallas. Her mimicking skills are quite impressive.

"Yeah, she's right." Pony added, shrugging when Tess' stare pierced through him.

"No he wouldn't!" Randy screamed, "I'm clean! You're just lying!"

"Really?" Tess spat, "So you'd deny hurting all of us, despite our claims?"

"Yeah, I would. I'm innocent." Randy said, crossing his arms, and trying to look intimidating. It didn't work on me. After facing Ravagog, and King Dimitar's anger, Randy's simple glare didn't do a thing.

"So you say." Alyssa glared at him. "You're the worst person, ever!"

"Aw, Alyssa, come on. You don't mean that." Randy tried to get her on his side, but she refused.

"You are a sad excuse for a person." Tess shook her head in mock sympathy. She has spunk. She'll need it in the in the Lost Cities, when she faces elves like Keefe's dad, and the people Tam and I hate. Our parents. They don't deserve to be our parents. I'm glad we have a home with Sir Tiergan now.

Randy started screaming at us. Tam made the shadows grow, but I don't think he realized. I knew he would be impossible to get through to in this state. Everyone started screaming back at Randy, furious. I created an orb of water, and slowly dripped it on to Randy and Mr. Hollister, to slowly for anyone to notice in the chaos.

Pony noticed Tess' skyrocketing emotions and grabbed her hand.

Johnny turned towards them. "Tess, ssh, calm." he cooed.

"Silence!" Mr. Hollister yelled, his face redder than I thought possible. "This is why I should've chosen to be a junior high principal."

Tess burst out laughing, with Two, Johnny, Alyssa, and Pony following suit. Tam and I were confused.

"That's gotta be the craziest thing I've ever heard." Alyssa gasped.

Pony clutched his sides as he said, "If you wanted to not deal with this, ya should've picked elementary school."

"Or better yet, preschool." Tess scoffed.

"Dal was ten, when he first got in the cooler." Johnny said, "But he'd been making trouble since he could talk." Oh, it's about the trouble we cause, and when it starts. I guess Mr. Hollister thinks it starts now, but they know better.

"I'll say. He's usually in the cooler at least once a week. But he hasn't, lately. I think it's 'cause of his gunshot wound." Tess said.

"And Maria." Johnny said, "She's real special to him, you dig?"

"Yeah, I dig." she said, "His eyes light up whenever they land on her. He didn't get that mad, when she broke his nose. If it had been anyone else, they would be dead now." I broke his nose, and I'm not dead.

"Johnny, Tess, can't ya see that he's soft for you two?" Two asked, "And maybe a little bit Linh."

"What? Me?" I asked, "Dallas hates me. I broke his nose!"

"And you're not dead." Two-Bit said, "If it was anyone except you three," He pointed at me, Johnny, and Tess. "Or Maria, they'd be dead."

"Two's right." Pony said, "Even me. And if that happened, Dal would have Tess, Soda, and Darry on him about it."

"Hell, yeah, I'd be on Dal, if he killed ya." Tess growled.

"Hey, I'd be on Dal for that, too." Two-Bit said.

"Same." Johnny said.

"I would definitely enlist the gang to get him for killing ya." Alyssa said.

"The whole gang?" Randy scoffed, "It's so tiny. You'd have better luck defeating Cherry."

"Yet I seem to remember winning in a one on one fight against you. If I alone can do that, I know the whole gang could easily whip Dal." Tess said, her tone biting.

"I wasn't trying my hardest." Randy said, sneering.

"And I wasn't either." Tess said smoothly.

"Adderson, you're clear." Mr. Hollister said, "Mathews, Cade, and Curtis, you're suspended."

"Okay." Tess said, "You can do that. I don't care."

"What?" Pony shouted.

Sophie was a twelve year old high school senior, who also happens to know what we don't need to know in the Lost Cities. Tess transmitted, We'll be fine.

"Do you want a suspension, as well, Curtis?" Mr. Hollister asked, glaring at Pony.

Pony smirked, before saying, "Yeah, I would."

"You're suspended." Mr. Hollister tried to glare holes through him, but Pony's glare was fiercer.

"You know what?" Tam asked. "This place is awful. Even Exillium is better than this. I'm done."

"I'll say." I said, "There you learn useful things."

"Body temperature regulation."

"Night vision."

"Appetite suppression."

"The list goes on." I said, smiling.

"Sounds tough." Two-Bit said.

"It's hard, but not impossible." Tam said.

"Nothing's impossible." I said, "Sophie would've been considered impossible." Teleporting used to be considered impossible. Nobody knew that was how the alicorns managed to evade us for so long. Sophie shed a lot of light on the creatures. Now Silveny's pregnant, and soon there will be a baby alicorn to reverse the Timeline to Extinction.

"True." Tam said.

"Your suspension starts now." Mr. Hollister said.

"We're just gonna grab our stuff." Two-Bit said, grinning wildly. "And friends." he muttered quietly.

We walked out of his office, and towards our lockers. Alyssa and Johnny broke off to get Maria and Evelyn.

"Wait, why are we doing this?" Tam asked, "Conjurer. Conjures our stuff. Less walking." He flicked his wrist, and the shadows swirled around Two-Bit.

"What?" Two-Bit asked, "You want me to conjure your stuff? Like, now?"

"Of course, dummy, what do you think?" Tam asked.

"Oh, okay." Two-Bit said, closing his eyes and snapping his fingers. A large pile of stuff came raining down in a pile around his feet. "Well, that's all of my stuff."

"Two, how much stuff do you bring to school with ya?" Tess asked.

"Not much." Two-Bit said, "I never bring stuff home until the end of the year. It's too heavy."

"Yet, you can take down three Socs at once." Tess scoffed.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now