Chapter 72 - Linh

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"Dinner's ready!" Darry shouted, "Soda! Tess! Pony! Come help!"

"Sure thing, Muscles!" Tess shouted back, walking to the kitchen. Pony followed her in.

"Hurry up Sodapop!" Darry yelled, "Pony and Tess are already here!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" Soda called back. They helped Darry set the table, then we all sat down.

"Vegetarian. Non-vegetarian." Darry pointed to the various dishes on the table. There was chicken, a salad, and potatoes.

"I'll get the chocolate milk." Tess said, filling Soda's empty glass with chocolate milk. Johnny, who was sitting next to Sodapop, leaned over, and whispered something in Soda's ear. I was sitting on Johnny's other side, and I was using skills, to make my hearing extra sharp.

"You have to take the blame. You can't say it's a Dare. And just do it with the chocolate milk." Johnny whispered.

"Fine." Soda muttered, before taking a big sip of chocolate milk. He then spat it all over Darry, who was on his other side.

"What the hell, Sodapop!" Darry screamed, "Why would you do that?"

"I dunno. I just did." Soda shrugged nonchalantly.

"That's not an acceptable answer!" I didn't need to be an Empath, to know Darry was beyond furious. His face was so mad, I didn't know what to say. I spotted Tam lurking in the darkest corner, and shook my head.

"I'm sorry, Darry." Soda looked so ashamed, that I knew Darry would forgive him. Darry gets mad easily, but also forgives easily.

"It's okay. I forgive you." Darry said, hugging him.

"Ew, chocolate milk!" Soda yelled, "It's in my hair!"

"That's what you get, for spitting it on me." Darry said sternly.

"Still, it ain't fair." Soda whined.

"Life isn't fair." Tam spoke up from the dark corner. I had a feeling he was pulling shadows into it, to make it seem even darker.

"Tam, get out of there, and come eat." I said. I wanted him to try to make friends, after all, we're going to spend the next couple thousand years with them.

"Fine." Tam muttered, shuffling his feet, as he made his way to his seat.

"Darry, I'm gonna head home." Two said, "My sister, I don't wanna leave her alone. Just in case." His face was worried, as he hastily chugged his chocolate milk, grabbed his jacket and left.

"Darry, did ya make chocolate cake?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, so?" Darry glanced at him, before turning back to his plate.

"Can I go get it?" he asked.

"You don't know where it is." Darry said, staring intently at his plate.

"Yes I do." he protested.

"I hid it somewhere else." Darry took a large bite of his salad.

"Ew! How could you eat that?" Steve shouted, falling out of his chair, and rolling around.

"It's salad. It's good for you." Tess said, cocking her eyebrow.

"It's gross! Salad is awful!" Steve was still rolling around.

"Steve, buddy, it ain't like he's making you eat it." Soda said, pulling Steve back into his chair. "Let him eat it."

"Yeah, Steve. Or I could just arm wrestle you." Tess smirked at Steve, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist the challenge.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now