Chapter 62 - Linh

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The police fired their guns, letting the bullets fly towards Dallas. I knew Tam would try to stop them, but what if he wasn't enough? The bullets ricocheted off the shield Tam had placed around Dallas.

"No!" Dallas screamed, "Let me die!" Maria was sobbing next to me.

One bullet made it through, hitting his waist. He collapsed. Not Dallas. He's strong.

I ran to him, fists full of Panakes petals.

"He's just a kid!"

"No!" Maria screamed.

The gang keeps yelling at the police, but I need to save Dallas. I need to make sure he doesn't die.

Maria knelt next to me. "Dallas." she whispered, tears running down her face.

I pressed flower petals into the bullet wounds.

"Maria, could you try to get him to eat these?" I asked, pressing a couple petals into her hands. "Please." I knew she needed to do something. Anything except sitting there helplessly.

"Okay." she said, mechanically pressing them into his mouth. "Dal, if you love me, eat these." She was bending, but she wouldn't break.

"Glory, look at the kid!" Two shouted.

I glanced up, just in time, to see Pony faint.

"Pony!" Tess gasped.

"He's burning up." Darry said, feeling his forehead.

"Dallas." Maria whispered, "Come on, come on."

"There!" I said, "Look, he's chewing."

"He is?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine, as long as we get him to the hospital soon."

"Dally's gonna be okay." she whispered, "Dally's gonna be okay!"

"Miss, are you Dallas Winston's sister?" asked a fuzz.

"Yeah, so?" she drawled, glaring.

"We'll need to put you into a foster home." he said, "Dallas isn't a fit guardian for you."

"No!" she shouted, "He's made me happy. Happier than I've ever been with my parents."

We won't let that happen. Sophie transmitted to me. We won't.

"He's an unfit guardian." he said stiffly.

"No." Maria gasped, "No, no, no, no, no."

I saw Tam's shadow slink towards Maria.

"What?" she whispered. "How?"

Tam smirked, but his face fell, heavy with all the weight he's had to carry.

"Miss, a social worker will be by tomorrow." said the policeman. "Be packed and ready."

"You can dream." Maria snarled. "My brother needs me. I wanna be there for him, even if he's made some mistakes."

"You will be ready tomorrow." the policeman said.

"Maria." Dallas gasped. I pressed more petals into his wounds. Sophie came up behind me.

You're doing good. she transmitted, You're good at healing.

I don't speak. I nod, and force a small smile.

"Ssh, Dal. You'll be fine." Maria caressed his cheek.

"You ain't gonna go." he said, "You ain't. We'll keep ya here, I ain't gonna let you go, not after I've spent so much time trying to find you."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now