Chapter 94 - Fitz

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Dallas tried to sneak a piece of cake, without having to eat his salad, but Tess spotted him and shouted, "Dallas Tucker Winston! Eat your salad first!" She then grabbed the cake, and ate it herself.

"That's my girl!" Johnny crowed.

"Hey! That's my cake, man!" Dallas yelled.

"There's more cake. Chill." Tess said.

"But I got it for me, man!" Dallas whined.

"And I don't care." Tess said, her green-gray eyes piercing him.

"Fine." Dallas muttered, grabbing a bowl of salad. He took one bite, and promptly spit it out. "Yuck. Gross. Ew. Why do I have to eat this junk?"

"Because, you'll go hungry in the Lost Cities if you don't learn to like vegetables." Tam muttered. When Sophie first came to the Lost Cities, she told us that some of the vegetables tasted like chicken. I was shocked. Eating animals is awful.

"What about that thing, mallowmelt, man?" Dallas asked.

"That's dessert. Not a main course item." Linh said smoothly.

"We eat chocolate cake for breakfast." Dallas said, "Why can't we eat mallowmelt in the Lost Cities?"

"Because, we're elves. Elves don't eat mallowmelt for meals." Tam said, "We get one piece of fruit a meal. And not particularly good fruit, either." He's torturing Dallas on purpose. I really want to make him see sense. This is making our jobs a lot harder than they need to be.

"Tam, get over it. Councillor Oralie is funding Exillium, and you're not there anymore." Sophie said.

"Well, I still like to point out all the injustices and cracks in our 'perfect' world." Tam said mockingly.

"At least you had a loving home, man." Dallas said. Ouch. That was the worst thing you could've done, Dallas.

"Wrong." Tam said dryly, "Linh and I were banished. We lived with the Wildwood Colony, until they were quarantined. Even before then, our parents were ashamed of us."

"Twins. They tried to convince people that we were a year apart." Linh said sadly.

"But we refused to play along." Tam said bitterly, "We had to share a room." I feel so bad that my family has ignored this for centuries.

"Don't say it wasn't fun!" Linh said.

"It wasn't fun." Tam said.

"Tam!" Linh was getting mad. Tam should stop, unless he wants to get dunked.

"What? It wasn't. But it was better than lying to everyone about being twins." he said, shrugging.

Linh glared at me, and the next thing he knew, he was soaked head to toe, in freezing cold water. "Humph." She turned her back on him.

"Linh!" Tam shouted, "Was this really necessary?"

"Yes, it was." she said.

"I'm freezing. Please, dry me off." he begged Linh, which was very uncustomary for him. This is the first time I've ever seen him beg.

"Tam's begging. This is serious." I said.

"What time does Jenny get out of school?" Tess asked.

"Um, uh, I think 3:25?" Two-Bit asked.

"Well, it's 3:20 now." Tess said, "I'll go."

"No way. Not without me." Johnny said.

"What? She's my sister, ya know." Two-Bit said.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora