Chapter 35 - Steve

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A/N: I finally made a new cover! It looks so much better than the generic covers.

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"What the hell!" I shouted. I was working underneath of a car, when I heard a loud crash. I get out from underneath the car, and see Soda and Sophie.

"Hey Steve. Fancy seeing you here." he said, smiling sheepishly.

"Why did you jump on the car?" I asked. I was real annoyed with them. What if they'd scratched the paint? That would've cost money we couldn't spare to fix it.

"I wasn't planning for that car, otherwise I would've picked a different spot to visualize." Sophie said, "We didn't damage the car."

"You could've scratched the paint." I protested.

"But we didn't." she said.

"Well, I'll take over the front counter." Soda said, sauntering away.

"Coward." I muttered, before sliding back underneath the car. This was Randy Adderson's car. Now that Bob's dead, he's the top Soc. If they'd scratched his paint, we really would've been in deep trouble.

"I'm really sorry." Sophie said, when I slid out from underneath the car. "I just wanted to make sure Soda was on time."

"Ya didn't think. This is Randy Adderson's car, the head Soc. It would've been deep trouble if y'all did damage it. Ya could get jumped, if ya did that!" I was shouting by the end of that rant.

"I wouldn't get jumped, like Fitz and Tam did. I wouldn't let them get the first punch in. I don't want to draw attention to myself, but I'd do what it took to stay safe. Or to save any of you." she whispered, "Even Dallas, as much as we hate each other."

"How would ya do that?" I scoffed. Not let the Socs punch her? She's crazy. "They'd pull their switches on ya."

"Telekinesis. I'd inflict if I had to. If that's what it takes, to keep my friends safe."She looked dead serious, and dangerous. She really would die for her friends.

"How come you're different?" I asked, "Like, from those other three."

"I didn't grow up with them. I grew up in San Diego, California." she whispered. "I was the twelve year old high school senior, so I didn't really have any friends. I didn't know how to block thoughts, so I had constant headaches."

"Constant headaches?" I scoffed, "Ya really need to rethink your idea of a headache."

"Everyone's mental voice kept echoing in my head. The only way to escape the thoughts, was to drown them out with music."


"On top of all that, my human parents were kidnapped because of me. Luckily, my sister managed to evade them, by thinking of darkness. I was terrified."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now