Chapter 40 - Biana

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"Dex, I thought of a really good style for your hair, and it'll probably look good on some of the greasers too." I said, excitedly.

"Try it out. I'll think of some really good dares. And truths. But mostly dares." Dex held up one of the cubes he was making.

"Okay." I said, "Could you lean your head back slightly?"

"Sure." He leaned back slightly, so I could put in this gel. It would bring out the varying shades in his hair, and make it more vibrant. It also came in brown. And black.

Just as I finished, my Imparter rang. I looked at it. It was Keefe.

"Sorry, Dex, I should take this. I don't know what Keefe could want at this time, but I should definitely make sure he's not about to do something too reckless." I said. Dex was with me, brainstorming for when the greasers get here.

"Keefe? Why are you calling me now?" I asked.

"My dad kicked me out. I lost my impulse control, and broke his achievements." he said, trying to pull off his classic smirk. It was forced, and looked more like a grimace.

"Yes, you can stay here tonight." I said. I knew he was going to ask that.

"You know me so well."

"My brother is your best friend." I smiled, before disconnecting.

"Hey, Keefe. Dex is here too. We can do makeovers!" I squealed, as I opened the gate that kept unwelcome visitors out.

"Don't touch the Hair." Keefe said, "Do one on Dex."

"I already did." I smiled, "See?" Dex stepped out of the shadows. I was proud of my handiwork.

"You can sleep in Fitz's room with Dex." I said, "I'm tired. And worried." I felt really shaken.

"Don't worry. They'll be fine." Dex whispered, putting his arm around me. "We can be The Unstoppable Team Diana." He said it so quietly, I barely heard him. "I'll always be there for you."

"Thanks." I whispered, "It's hard, having your brother, and your only two friends that you can talk to about girl stuff gone."

"What about Maruca?" Dex asked, "And Marella?"

"Maruca just wanted to get closer to Fitz. And Marella, I just don't know her that well." I whispered, "Plus, Marella didn't really like me, not until Sophie was there, to be a bridge."

"So, do I get the bed?" Keefe said, "Dex should have the floor."

"Keefe, the bed isn't tiny. You can both fit. But, it's up to you two to decide." I said.

"Where's Mr. Snuggles? I want to sleep with the sparkly red dragon!" Keefe said.

"I don't know. I'm going to bed." I said, turning around, and walking to my bedroom. I changed into a purple nightgown, and crawled into my fluffy bed. I must've fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"Who are you?" asked a girl with dark brown hair and green-gray eyes. Another Moonlark? I wonder what other creatures inspired her DNA.

"Biana. What about you?" I asked.

"Tess." She replied, "Sophie told me about you. Not much, just that you're her closest friend, other than Dex."

"She told you that?" I asked.

"Yeah, she told me." Tess replied, "I can hear thoughts, but I've never been in a dream like this before."

"Neither have I." I said, "I'm a Vanisher." I vanished for emphasis, before reappearing.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now