Chapter 38 - Linh

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I heard a scream.

"Linh, get the Panakes petals from the bottom of the pouch with the remedies. I know you don't like blood, so hopefully by the time you get there, the blood shedding will be over." Sophie said, before running off with the gang. I hope whoever screamed is alright.

"I don't like blood." Evelyn said.

"Then, stay. Alyssa could keep you company." I suggested.

"But I want to help." she whispered.

"Make sure there are medical supplies." I said, as I dug through the pouch.

"Alright." Evelyn said, "Alyssa, you'll stay, right?"

"Yeah, I just want to stay with you. Get to know you. See if we could still have a twin bond, even though we didn't grow up together."

"I don't think you'd want to grow up with me and Johnny." Evelyn muttered darkly, as I ran in the direction the gang went. I see Sophie kneeling near a figure, along with three other girls.

"Hey, you won't die if you eat these." said Sophie, as she pressed Panakes petals into Zara's wounds. "Come on, eat these." I ran up with more Panakes petals, and gently pressed them into her mouth. She tried to swallow them.

"Tara, is she going to be okay?" asked a young girl. She was too young for this. Why is it, that so many young people have to face this?

"She will." interrupted Sophie. She turned to Fitz, and said, "We need to get her to the house. You and Tam can work together to get her there."

"Why not one of us?" asked Dallas. He was offended and arrogant. "We're stronger than them, if ya need two of them to lift her." He flexed his arm, making his arm muscles bulge.

"Because, they can make it smoother." said Sophie, in a clipped tone. She was seriously ticked off at him, and for good reason

"Better quit now, before she rages on you." Soda warned softly.

"We so needed to listen to Keefe's plan." muttered Sophie. What plan?

"Which plan?" asked Fitz. Thank you for asking that. He continued, "If I remember correctly, most of his plans were rather dangerous. And reckless. And ended up with people dying, or captured."

"Oh, right. It was after you were impaled. If Physic's treatment didn't work, we were going to raid the Lost Cities, kidnap Elwin, and bring him back to heal you." Sophie smiled slightly. "I should've listened to his plan, so we could put it in action now."

"Darry's pretty good. I think he can stitch her up." said Pony, "Dally's been stitched up from worse than that."

"We need to get to the house." she said, "Come on, you two. Do your part." Fitz and Tam used their telekinesis to lift Zara into the air.

"Whoa." Steve murmured.

"What's happening?" asked Tara.

"Listen, I'll answer your questions, but was she the one manipulating the shadows?" the Sophie asked.

"Why should I trust you?" Tara shot back.

"Because." she said, before Tam started to manipulate the shadows, and they started to swirl. "She's not the only one."

"Yeah, she was, but I was helping her." Tara whispered.

"Alright. I'm Sophie."

"Tara. These are my younger sisters, Kara and Lara." Tara gestured to them. "Zara's our older sister."

"Zara's going to be okay." I said, "I'm Linh. That's my twin, Tam."

"And I'm Fitz. We can help you. Especially Tam, with his being a Shade." said Fitz. We reached the house, and Tam and Fitz gently lowered Zara onto the couch.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora