Chapter 12 - Fitz

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"Wow." Darry said, "I'm sorry, but I need to find Tess and Pony."

"You won't find them." Dallas said.

"How do you know?" Soda asked.

"Because Johnny is a master at disappearing. I'm sure he can easily hide all of them."

"I guess you're right." Darry said, "I just hope they're okay."

"Who are Tess, Pony, and Johnny?" I asked. I already know, but I don't want us to seem creepier than we already are.

"Tess is my kid sister, Pony's my kid brother, and Johnny's the pet of the gang." Darry said.

"Tess and Pony are our kid siblings." Soda said, "I hope they're alright."

"Yeah, I hope so too." another guy said, as he walked in. "Y'all were pretty loud."

"This is Steve. He's my best friend." Soda said. "This is Sophie, Tam, Linh, and Fitz." Steve and Keefe would get along. They both look like they spend a lot of time on their hair. Steve's hair was swirled intricately.

We'll need to tell Steve anyways, so we can talk about Elvin things. Sophie transmitted.

"Oh, we'll need to register you for school. What grades were you in at your old school?" Darry asked.

Just say your Foxfire levels. Sophie transmitted, Well, Tam and Linh, just say you went to Exillium.

"Level Five. A Saber-Toothed Tiger." I said.

"We went to Exillium, so we don't have levels." Tam said, gesturing towards Linh.

"I'm a Level Three." Sophie said, "But I was the twelve-year-old high school senior. So, I already graduated."

Wait, technically you didn't graduate because you don't graduate for fifty years or so. I transmitted.

We don't need to freak them out that much. Sophie replied.

"Um, well, Sophie can hang out here, and Fitz, Tam, and Linh, y'all can register tomorrow. Two-Bit can help you." Darry said.

"But we're Cognates!" I said. I don't want to be separated from Sophie. "Team Sophitz forever! Team Foster-Keefe is going down. Also, I don't really know that much English."

"Team Sophitz?" Soda said, at the same time that Darry said,

"Team Foster-Keefe?" Oh well, they'll find out eventually.

"Our friend Keefe decided to come up with team names. When Fitz and I are doing anything together, he calls it Team Sophitz, or sometimes Team Fitzphie. Team Foster-Keefe is when Keefe and I do anything together. Including when he tries to calm me down." Sophie said.

I miss Keefe's snark. I transmitted.

I do too. But I think I miss Biana's fashion sense more. Sophie replied.

"Two-Bit, stop by here tomorrow before school, so you can pick them up." Darry ordered.

"Yeah, sure Superman. Whatever you say." Two-Bit said, through a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"Thanks. Now that we know that you," Darry pointed to Sophie, Linh, me, and Tam. "Have powers, and that we," He pointed to Soda, Dally, Steve, Two-Bit, and himself. "Also have powers. What comes next?"

"Well, you'll have to leave Tulsa, and come to the Lost Cities. You'll be adopted and go to Foxfire. What level will they start at, Fitz?" Sophie asked.

"Probably Level Two. No offense, but you'll need to learn the basics. Once you learn the basics, I think the Council will let you move up."

"Who's the Council?" Steve said.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora