Chapter 83 - Pony

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Sophie had just blown up at Dal, but I wasn't paying attention. The stars' twinkling movements drew me in.

"It's real pretty, ain't it?" I whispered, sitting next to Evelyn, who was also admiring the stars. "I like them, 'cause they help me remember it ain't all bad. Same with sunsets." Even though it's rough here, there's still good in the world.

"Me too." she whispered, staring at the thousands of twinkling gems in the sky.

"Evelyn?" I asked.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Have you ever liked someone, and wanted to tell them, but you were too afraid?" I asked. She turned towards me and gasped. Shock was clearly written on her face.

"Pony...I, yes." she whispered.

"Oh." It couldn't be me. I'm just a greaser. I probably won't become anything big. It's probably Tam. He radiates power. "Who?" I wanted to know who had captured her heart, but I would be heartbroken, once I learned.

"Why do you want to know?" Evelyn asked. Because I love you. I wanted to tell her, but if she rejected me, I don't know what I'd do.

"Maybe if I knew, I could help you find a way to tell them." I said. Even if it broke my heart, I wanted her to be happy.

"I don't know." she said. I could tell she was stalling, and conflicting emotions were radiating off of her.

"Those are some pretty strong emotions." I commented. I was overwhelmed, with so many different emotions.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm an Empath. I can feel your emotions." I said, "I usually need to touch you, but they must be really strong, 'cause they're kinda floating off ya in waves."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's kinda cool, but a little creepy." I smiled for a second, before I let it fade. "I really wanna help ya." I wanted to hold her, and never let go.

"I know." she said, "You'd be the first person I told."

"Really?" I was real surprised that she hadn't even told Johnny. Or Alyssa. She seems real close to both of them. "You haven't told Alyssa? Or Johnny?"

"No." she whispered, "What about you? Have you told anybody?"

"No. I would've told Johnny, but..." I trailed off. How would he react to me being in love with his kid sister? I know he sees her as so much younger than fourteen.

"But what?" she asked.

"I-I," I stammered. I couldn't keep it from her any longer. "It's you." I spit it out real fast, hoping she wouldn't hear. Hoping she would hear at the same time.

"Me?" she asked, "You like me?"

"Yeah, you're smart, gentle, pretty. What's not perfect?" I asked.

"I'm shy." she whispered, "I've never been able to speak up for myself."

"I'll speak for you." I whispered, "I won't let anyone hurt you." I tentatively wrapped my arms around her, and when she didn't protest, I pulled her close to me, and gently rested my head on top of her's.

"I think I've fallen in love with you." Evelyn said softly.

"I fell in love with you, as soon as I met you." I said, "I just didn't realize that it was love, until the Socs nearly drowned me. I wanted to live, so I could tell you that I loved you."

"Really?" Evelyn breathed.

"Really." I relished the feeling of holding her, of knowing how much I meant to her. Of knowing she knows how much she means to me.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now