Chapter 3 - Johnny

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"It's fine

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"It's fine. Besides you're cake deprived." Tess said. The way she has a slight smile all the time makes me want to smile. There's always a piece of hair in her face, so I walked over to brush it out of the way.

"That strand of hair always catches my attention." I whisper as I lean in. What am I thinking? I can't do this. If she doesn't want this and if she tells her brothers what I did, they'll hate me. The whole gang'll hate me. They're the only family I got. I kiss her cheek instead.

"Thanks. I guess I'll take some of that cake." I said. I thought I saw disappointment in her eyes. I'm not sure. I think it's just my imagination. I walked out of the kitchen, a small piece of cake in my hand.

"I found a small piece of cake." I said to Pony, when he noticed the cake in my hands.

"Cool." Pony said, "How did you find it?"

"It was in the box labeled chicken." I said.

"Oh." He opened his book and started to read. I ate my cake without the gang noticing. Well, most of the gang. Two-Bit noticed my cake, just as I ate the last bite.

"Why didn't you share with me?" Two-Bit asked.

"You had cake earlier. That was my piece of cake. Tess gave it to me. She's making a salad. You had a lot of cake earlier, so you should try her salad."

"Yuck! Salad is gross. No way." Two-Bit then proceeded to take the beer out of Dally's hand and finish it. Dally started chasing him, but Two-Bit is much faster than Dally is. The only person who can beat Two-Bit is Pony. Two-Bit jumped onto Steve's back.

"What the hell! Two, get off of me!" Steve shouted. He screamed like a girl when he saw Dally racing towards him.

"I'll get you! You shouldn't steal my beer Two-Bit!" Dally shouted. Dally tackled Two and threatened him. I was scared out of my wits. It was too similar to my parents beating me. I started hyperventilating.

"Johnny? Johnny! Dallas Winston! Johnny collapsed. I think it's because of you tackling Two and threatening him." Pony said, waving his arms to get the gang's attention. I was having trouble breathing. I felt a pair of arms gently wrap around me.

"Shh. Just listen to my heart. Breathe. That's it." Tess whispered. I tried to focus on her heart, but it was hard because she was gorgeous. Feeling her arms around me was one of the best feelings ever.

"Tess, you're amazing." I said. She blushed and boy did it look gorgeous.

"I know. You're safe Johnnycakes."

"Thanks. Sorry guys. I don't know what happened."

"It's fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"Just don't do that again." Dally threatened, smiling to show that he was joking. The gang drifted off because they knew that I was fine. Tess and Pony stayed with me though. Pony ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, but Tess was still awake.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now