Chapter 32 - Sophie

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"If you stop smoking, you'll feel a lot better." I said, taking the cancer stick out of Pony's mouth, and putting it out.

"Hey!" he protested.

"These cause lung cancer, among other problems." I muttered, "I've got to get Linh to help me." She can help me put them out. they won't be able to smoke in the Lost Cities.

"I should see Tess." he said, getting up from the chair.

"I'll come with you." Soda said, "I didn't tell her where I was going when I ran out. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings."

"Alright." They walk to her room, and knock. I walk to Linh, so I can recruit her in helping me to get them to stop smoking.

"Linh? I need help." I said.

"What do you need help with?" she asked.

"You know how they smoke?" I asked.

"Yeah." she replied.

"I was wondering, if every time you see one of them smoking, you could put it out with water. Just a little, you know, try not to be obvious about it." I said, hoping she'll say yes.

"Of course! I hate that smoky smell." Linh said, smiling. "I can make it kind of like a mist."

"Thank you so much." I said, "They won't be able to smoke in the Lost Cities, so I want to get them to stop now."

"That's a great idea!" Linh said. I walked to Tess' room, so I could see how her burns were healing.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Tess said.

"Tess, he's not." I said, from the doorway. "It does have yeti pee in it. It's disgusting, but it heals burns really well." I rubbed my wrists, trying to ignore the phantom pain. "Listen, I got burned on my wrists when I got kidnapped. Really badly. Elwin was able to heal me. I don't have any scars now." I showed them my wrists. "At least, not from that." I said, as I glanced at the large star shaped mark on my palm.

"What's that from?" Tess asked, pointing to the scar.

"I had to ingest an entire ounce of limbium, in order to heal my abilities. Limbium is deadly to me, even if it's only a few drops. This scar is from the remedy Mr. Forkle had to give me, so that I didn't die."

"Who's Mr. Forkle?" Pony asked.

"He's a big part of my creation. Without him, I wouldn't be standing here with you guys." I said, "But no, he is not my father." I shook her head when Soda opened his mouth to ask. I knew he'd ask that. "He tweaked my embryo so that I'd be the person I am today. And have the five abilities I have right now. Telepath, Polyglot, Inflictor, Teleporter, and Enhancer."

"I'm so confused." Pony said.

Telepaths can transmit thoughts. I transmitted.

"Stop hearing voices." he muttered to himself.

"That was me. I transmitted to you. You two heard that as well." I said.

"Soda, did you?" Pony asked, brushing his hand against Soda's arm. I knew he wanted to make sure Soda wasn't lying.

"Yeah, I heard it." he replied.

"Sophie, can you teach me how to do that?" Tess asked.

"Sure, but right now, you need to rest. Heal." I said, smiling. "You are so much better than Dallas. He'd be yelling at me if I said hi to him. He hates me." I grimaced at the thought of spending thousands of years with him.

"He hates life. He only cares about Johnny and me." Tess said, "I think he cares about Maria too. He doesn't hate Evelyn, at the very least. It's probably because she's Johnny's sister. Dallas would die without Johnny. Johnny is his favorite."

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن