Chapter 8 - Sophie

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"You should go. Keep your home crystals safe. You'll need them to get home." Mr. Forkle said. I held up the blue crystal that would take us to the Forbidden City, Tulsa, Oklahoma. The four of us let the light whisk us away.

"Ew. The air is so different. It's not as clean and fresh." Linh said.

"Yeah, humans don't have Pures. We have to go to 1965. People smoke there, so it'll smell even worse." I said. I've gotten used to the Lost Cities and now Forbidden Cities smell much worse. I take out the gadget and Dex's instructions. I follow them.

"Ready? Fitz you have the Obscurer, right?"

"Yes. I have it and I'm ready." Fitz said, smiling his movie star smile.

"Let's go." Tam said. 

"I'm ready." Linh said, twirling the silver ends of her hair with her fingers. When she was banished she dipped the ends of her hair into her melted registry pendant to remind her of what happens when she loses control. Tam did the same to his bangs, except he did it as a form of rebellion against his parents. I flipped the switch that would take us back in time.

"Well, welcome to Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1965." I said, "Fitz, you have the Obscurer?"

"Yep. Where exactly are we?"

"Let's ask him. He looks like an elf." Linh pointed to a teenager with golden-brown hair.

"Okay, but I'll need to transmit English to you if this is going to work."

"Alright. Let's go." Fitz deactivated the Obscurer. We walked towards the guy.

"Hello, my friends and I were dropped off here by a friend of the family. He said that we needed to make a difference here. We're not sure exactly what he meant. Do you know of a cheap hotel?" I said, in English. I don't want to freak anyone out yet.

"Y'all were just left here?" he asked.

Yep. I transmitted to Fitz.

"Yep." Fitz said, in his crisply accented voice. His accent is even more noticeable in English.

I know English, Sophie. he transmitted.

Not 1965 Tulsa, Oklahoma English. I transmitted back.

"Y'all can stay with me and my brothers." he said.

"What's your name?" I asked. I'm pretty sure he's Sodapop, but I don't want to accidentally call him Sodapop if he isn't Sodapop. Or if he hasn't told us his name.

"I'm Sodapop, but you can call me Soda. It says so on my birth certificate." He said proudly. "What are your names?"

"I'm Sophie." I said. "This is Linh." I point at Linh. "And Tam." I point at Tam.

"I'm Fitz." he said.

"Are they mute?" Soda asked. "I'm sorry. That came out wrong. But, you get my meaning."

No, I'm not mute. I transmitted to Tam. I'm so glad Mr. Forkle taught me how to split my conscious, so that I could transmit to the three of them in the Enlightened Language, translate their uppermost thoughts, and carry on a conversation in English at the same time.

"No, I'm not mute." Tam said. He sounded really surly. He glared at Soda.

"Sorry, man. It's just, she introduced you."

"I'm not mute either." Linh said softly.

"Where are you from?" Soda asked Fitz. I saw the worry in Fitz's expression. I guess he never really learned the geography of the Forbidden Cities.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now