Chapter 6 - Biana

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After we went to visit Tam and Linh, I went to Dex's workshop. I really think that he is a brilliant Technopath. He's made Sucker Punches and Panic rings for all of us. Except for Keefe. I don't think Dex trusts him that much. I don't either. He ran off to join the Neverseen, and didn't tell anyone. The only reason we knew that, was because Sophie had grabbed him as he light leaped, because he was holding a yellow crystal. He said he was going home. Yellow crystals lead to the Neutral Territories. I used to have a crush on Keefe, but after that, I don't know if I can trust him anymore.

"Hey, Biana? Could you hold this for a sec? I just need to weld it in place." Dex said.

"Sure." I take the wires and hold them in place. "You're not going to hurt me, right?"

"Of course not! This precision welder has a very fine line, so it'll only fuse the two wires together." Dex looked appalled that I would ever think such a thing.

"Oh, okay. Fuse away." He started fusing. He was right, it was a very precise line.

"Oh! That would be an amazing design!" I said. I love fashion, and I hope to become a fashion designer one day.

"What? Design?" Dex said, obviously confused.

"Hang on." I pull out my sketchbook and start sketching. I sketch a dress that has a metal bodice.

"Here, like this. If I can weld it here and here, and put in small hinges here, then the dress could have a stylish metal bodice."

"Wow, you're very detailed, and you know exactly where to put everything."

"It used to drive me crazy when I wasn't detailed, and I came back to the design and couldn't remember exactly what I wanted. So I make the first sketch super detailed now."

"You're so organized, compared to me." Dex waved his hand around, indicating the messiness of his workshop. I could see random wires and screws scattered around.

"Do you know where everything is?" I asked.

"Most, but not all."

"Well, you're somewhat organized. Even if you don't know where everything is, you know where most things are, so I'd call you somewhat organized." I said, smiling.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Dex said, "Wait! If I cross the wires like this-" He took the wires and crossed them. "Then that'll fix the date bug. I did it! I made a time machine."

"You kids and your fantasies." Mr. Forkle said. "You kids don't understand the consequences." Sophie and Fitz walked in, presumably to see how Dex was coming.

"What consequences?" Fitz said.

"Who knows about this besides you four?" Mr. Forkle said.

"How do you know that the four of us know?" Sophie said. Her arms were crossed.

"Your human influence." He pointed at Sophie. "He's your Cognate-in-training." He pointed at Fitz. "The Technopath." He pointed at Dex. "The kindhearted girl who wouldn't hesitate to help anyone." He pointed at Biana.

"Alright. But why did you say a kindhearted person for Biana?" Sophie said.

"You kids and your questions. I read the Outsiders because I lived with humans for thirteen years, and the journal is right there." He pointed to the journal, which was open to the inside cover page. 'The Outsiders' was clearly stated on it.

"Besides us, Linh, Tam, and Keefe know." Sophie said.

"Get them here now. It's crucial that all of you hear what I'm about to say." Sophie hailed Linh and Tam, while Fitz hailed Keefe.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now